View Full Version : Heaviness in head and around ears and behind eyes

08-10-13, 11:08
Gosh I feel like I'm forever posting so I promise I'll calm down but I'm off to the doctor today and just want to look at my symptoms from all perspectives in a sense...
Basically I get a really heavy head feeling and it's also around by my ears and behind my eyes, it's like an extreme tiredness and I seem to have this thing just now that when someone is talking to me I become aware after a while that I'm staring at them and looking like I'm concentrating TOO MUCH on what they're saying to me, a bit like if you're drunk and you're trying to focus on conversation :D that' what it feels like. I am not prone to headaches and haven't had any. I even sometimes don't get my words right and sometimes feel like a baby learning new things mentally and physically. I do have fibromyalgia too so I never know whether to put it down to that, anxiety or something else...

08-10-13, 11:25
It sounds like either anxiety or maybe sinus related?

08-10-13, 21:12
Agreed. Could also be side effects of medication. Speak to your doctor, but if he can't find anything wrong it is most likely anxiety.

12-10-13, 09:29
Interested to know what gp said, I get exactly the same, I suspect its anxiety but I do also have sinus problems!

14-10-13, 18:19
Hi sorry, been feeling really sorry for myself haha and just shutting out the world really. My blood tests were normal but as I've said in another post, I still question them. I think it's to do with anxiety. I got a full blood test and inflammation levels were apparently normal so just trying to convince myself:winks:

14-10-13, 20:23
Yeah it's anxiety. Anything unusual would have been picked up immediately. If you continue to worry about this you are worrying for nothing. So use the energy instead to trust in your well-being, because every time you doubt yourself or other people, you are handing a victory to the anxiety. Time to stand up and take your life back. You can do it! :)