View Full Version : Fear of allergic to reaction to foods (and anaphalaxis)

08-10-13, 13:49
Hi all...I joined NMP yesterday after readin some amazing replies to some of the posts on here from people who have had similar problems to me.

I have suffered from anxiety most of my life (,even at the tender age of 4 I started having panic attacks which often resulted in my becoming hysterical and my father sitting with me for hours to soothe me) and over the years they have varied what sets me off! (I warn you this may be a long one lol)

At the start of the year I had a colposcopy to treat abmornal cells and a week later I developed an infection...unfortunetly the medication they gave me made my mouth and throat so dry it was hard to swallow I was convinced I was having an allergic reactionand panicked...the docs took me off them but the fear was still there...I was told it could take weeks for my body to return to normal. Sadly in this time I started having swallowing problems...numerous visits to my doctor came up with the same result...nothing but anxiety spasms!

One night I did something I will regret...I let a negative thought come into my mind and stick its evil little calws in...I was calmy eating some scrambled eggs when the thought popped into my head "What if I was actually allergic to these eggs" I shrugged and carried on lol but the next day the feeling seemed to escalate! Then on my birthday I was eating a cheese sandwich when my body wouldnt swallow again (have always had slight problems with that) immedietly I though omg Im allergic to cheese now and was convinced I was swelling up etc...I went BACK to my docs and she talked me through it...BUT...she told me to challenge myself and if I had a rash (the most common sign) then to not touch that food again. I thanked her then was ready to leave when she said something I wish I could have ignored..she said oh and if your lips and tongue swell you'll know for sure :unsure: well that was it...anything to do with my airways panics the heck outta me...Ive never had a reaction before to these foods but silly me scoured the net for help and advice and I wish I hadnt AGAIN...I'm really suffering now as I dont want my youngest son to develop the stupid fear :( I live on chicken and bread with special nutrient drinks (I take them because I have a jaw problem) so my diet was limited as it was...Ive had this problem since April and have lost half a stone...I dont weigh much so really have to fight to keep it on...I really hope somebody out there can help and give me some advice...I hate the idea of anything swellin as am easily panicked too...can't even take anti-histamines as they make me ill :( am so lost :weep:

Thank you for reading...again sorry for the long one but its a long story! lol

Daisy Sue
08-10-13, 14:00
I know how you feel.. I've had a few allergies since childhood, and collected a few more along the way. The ones I know of, I'm calm about, as they're documented and I wear an alert bracelet with them engraved on the back... but it's the unknown ones that worry me.

For instance, quite a few years ago I had a sweet from one of my kids sweetie bags.. straight away, allergic reaction, and it was a bad & scary one. Just from a sweet!!

I carry an epipen with me all the time, because although I can avoid what I know I'm allergic to, I'm worried that I'll eat or drink something containing an allergen I don't know about.

For you, though, I know it's hard, but try not to worry - it doesn't sound as if you've ever had a really bad allergic reaction to anything, it's more the fear of it that's doing you harm just now.

If you feel brave enough, do some testing.. have a tiny bit of egg, for example, then wait and realise that nothing's happening, then another day do the same with cheese, etc.. until you got a few staple foods that you know you're ok with.

08-10-13, 14:05
Thanks Daisy Sue :) Yea I know I should keep tryin...its all about fooling the brain isnt it?? convincing it "hey its fine I promise!" I get all ready and think yea I can do this no bother...am just being silly...then the time comes and I get absolutely terrified and just cannot do it...I keep thinking...what if THIS time I'll react etc, but Ive lived on just a few certain foods since I had an op at 21 to have my teeth out (thats a long story :\ ) so yea my diet is limited...I also have TMJ due to teeth grinding as a teenager and the joints corroded...so my main foods were potatoes, chicken, eggs and cheese...Im down to the potatoes and chicken...I have never had a reaction to any of these before int he many years Ive eaten them so lord knows why my brains is convinced it will start now...Im so depressed about it :( I suffer from depression, anxiety and panic attacks anyway so that isnt helping lol x

Daisy Sue
08-10-13, 14:11
Aw you've really had a lot to put up with, huh?

To be honest, this worry about allergies is probably just another manifestation of your anxiety.. all of us focus on different things. But yes, it is kinda like fooling your brain, but more importantly, the more we do and don't fall ill/die from, the more confident we get, even if that confidence is tiny and deep down.

With confidence come a degree of control, and getting control back is a big part of the issue when it comes to overcoming anxiety.

Maybe try the food testing when there's someone with you?

08-10-13, 14:18
Yea my fella has been very patient with me...I'm surprised the poor man still has hair! lol He promises me he wont let anything happen to me and if anything starts swellin he would take care of it and call an ambulance etc...I just leep tryin to tell myself "Look you've never had a reaction before...it wont just become a severe reaction" My brain is so very stubborn and just wont even listen to me lol bt then as I said, Ive had this for a very long time, also have agoraphobia and can't be alone in the house without my partner or my mum which is such a burden to me too...it really gets me down...everyday I want to try my fave foods again...I just wana say oh sod it and go for it lol but that ol' anxiety kicks in and takes over :weep:

Wow though I was gonna say you've had a lot to deal with too! So do you eat like a little bit of something new to see if you react now? or do you just stick to foods you know?? x

Daisy Sue
08-10-13, 14:24
I rarely try anything I've never had before, but sometimes you just don't know what cafes/restaurants put in things, or cook things alongside.

My diet is quite limited too, due to stomach issues, so mostly I stick to safety foods wherever I am.

Your partner sounds like my hubby, and I'm glad you have him - it makes such a difference having someone there who really supports us in the most important ways.

Rather than wait for the impulse to try one of your foods, do it by careful planning, and resolve to stick to the plan. Have the food in, make a list of what you're going to do beforehand to calm yourself down, what time you're going to try it, and something nice for afterwards like a new DVD to watch?

Good luck :) and let me know how you get on.

08-10-13, 14:29
I will do Daisy Sue and thank you so much for talking to me...I keep sayin I need a stressful day and think whats the best time, day etc as kids are at school etc (one needs picked up but my other 2 walk themselves home...they arent allowed to pick up the other as the school got a strict policy that only adults and kids over 16 can pick the children up) and I would hate to suddenly need to go to hospital and theres nobody here for them as I dont have friends n family I can call on (my mother is pretty much housebound due to osteparthrtis)

But yes I wil let you know :) Tomorrow I will try something :D xx