View Full Version : Genuinely freaking out.. HIV/AIDS / Mouth cancer.. pics attached!

08-10-13, 14:16
I've browsed this forum for a while and suffered from anxieties on and off for over 2 years.
I have trolled the internet (I know I shouldn't) for possible ways of this infection in my mouth, so far it is coming up with leukoplakia caused by smoking and alcohol but also brought on by HIV. (I have had 3 unprotected encounters, and all three partners have sworn they have been "clean" (Term in our area for STI/D negative and also HIV negative) however I kept thinking they were lying..
Anyway, I smoke have done since I was 15 (21 now) Found this white line on my tongue last Thursday.. and haven't smoked since Saturday (I wasn't a heavy heavy smoker but would smoke around 5-8 cigarettes a day, around 15-20 at weeknds when socialising). I have also been drinking more than usual recently but have cut down in the last week..
Can someone please give me an opinion if they have had similar or suffering similarily problems? The NHS website says the problem is commom but yet again I am freaking out thinking it's HIV, cancer ect ect.. My brother thinks it is either where I am biting my tongue when I sleep, (I have a underbite so could be possible) or caused by smoking.. I'm not sure!
Lukily I have the dentist this Thursday, but just looking for an opinion before I go!

Pics are in links below!
Thank you so much, If anyone want's to chat feel free to message me!

1 tinypic. com/r/2zqsa3m/5
2 tinypic. com/r/24cf7rp/5

08-10-13, 14:24
We're not doctors Roberto however a lot of us suffer anxiety to greater or lesser degrees.

You're seeing your dentist this week which is a good thing. Is your anxiety being treated? That sounds to be the bigger issue?

08-10-13, 14:28
We're not doctors Roberto however a lot of us suffer anxiety to greater or lesser degrees.

You're seeing your dentist this week which is a good thing. Is your anxiety being treated? That sounds to be the bigger issue?

I've tried many times to go and see about it but each time I get the courage to go, I always feel better, but then a few months down the line an anxiety stage will come back, but I always think it's there if you know what I mean :)

08-10-13, 14:41
If that's caused by the smoking then I don't think just a few days of not smoking will clear it up - not if you've been smoking for years! Plus in those photos, it doesn't look that bad to me. Is it sore? It does look like exactly where you'd bite your tongue in your sleep - my mum does it all the time and even when it doesn't hurt straight afterwards she almost always ends up with an ulcer. For my sins I've inherited her tendency towards mouth ulcers but luckily not her tendency towards tongue-biting! One thing I would say is that my mum reckons she bites her tongue more when she's stressed - she thinks maybe to do with jaw grinding in the night?

08-10-13, 17:29
Hi Roberto,

I'm an oral cancer survivor so I have some knowledge of the disease. First off, there are many, many things this could be besides cancer. Oral cancer typically doesn't present itself in the manner you describe. Most often it's at a far advanced stage before it's discovered. Also, it's very rare for someone your age to get it despite tobacco use. It sounds and looks like more of an irritation to me.

Ok, that being said, none of us are doctors and the OC rule of thumb is get it checked by a doctor or ENT that's familiar with OC if it doesn't get better within a few weeks. Your dentist should be able to identify if this is an issue as well.

Your anxiety and fear concerning OC can actually work in your benefit here as you need to quit tobacco, no ifs ands or buts! If you want to decrease the chances for OC in your future that is a must. Limiting your use of hard alcohol is recommended as well. Nothing wrong with a couple of beers or a glass of wine or two but do so in moderation. Also, talk to your doctor about getting the HPV vaccine. HPV is a virus that 80+% of the sexually active population has been exposed to or has. It's becoming a more prevalent cause of OC.

About the STD/HIV. The only way to ease your mind is to go get tested. No way around that. It sucks I know and will really get your anxiety going but what choice do you have? Do it and be scared or not do it and be scared. And in the future, USE PROTECTION! When you find the "one", both of you get tested and then you'll be fine. The only other choice is keeping it in your pants or dating Palmela Handerson ;)

Good Luck!

09-10-13, 16:45
Hi Roberto,

I'm an oral cancer survivor so I have some knowledge of the disease. First off, there are many, many things this could be besides cancer. Oral cancer typically doesn't present itself in the manner you describe. Most often it's at a far advanced stage before it's discovered. Also, it's very rare for someone your age to get it despite tobacco use. It sounds and looks like more of an irritation to me.

Ok, that being said, none of us are doctors and the OC rule of thumb is get it checked by a doctor or ENT that's familiar with OC if it doesn't get better within a few weeks. Your dentist should be able to identify if this is an issue as well.

Your anxiety and fear concerning OC can actually work in your benefit here as you need to quit tobacco, no ifs ands or buts! If you want to decrease the chances for OC in your future that is a must. Limiting your use of hard alcohol is recommended as well. Nothing wrong with a couple of beers or a glass of wine or two but do so in moderation. Also, talk to your doctor about getting the HPV vaccine. HPV is a virus that 80+% of the sexually active population has been exposed to or has. It's becoming a more prevalent cause of OC.

About the STD/HIV. The only way to ease your mind is to go get tested. No way around that. It sucks I know and will really get your anxiety going but what choice do you have? Do it and be scared or not do it and be scared. And in the future, USE PROTECTION! When you find the "one", both of you get tested and then you'll be fine. The only other choice is keeping it in your pants or dating Palmela Handerson ;)

Good Luck!

cheers for your reply!
yeah white patches slowly going away but will see dentist tomorrow..
i think it is from irritation during the night

09-10-13, 16:49
We are not doctors and therefore cannot diagnose what's wrong with you, even if you show pictures. See the dentist tomorrow and see what he says.

Also, I don't want to sound like a mother or anything, but have you thought about using protection when having sex?

11-10-13, 11:50
hi, dentist said it was irritation caused by teeth grinding on tounge during my sleep.. but i'm still paranid the dentist has misdiagnosed me!

11-10-13, 12:00
I grind my teeth in my sleep sometimes and your pics look exactly like my tongue does when it gets in the way. Like I've bitten down on it without knowing. Hope that is reassuring. Feel better. :hugs: