View Full Version : Losing it

08-10-13, 14:20
Been on cit for 15 month. Was on 20 mg but got down to 10mg . I tried dropping to 5 but it wasn't right for me. I have been on 10 for a long time now. On the bank holiday in august I woke up feeling weird. Hot flush on neck weird tingle sensations. I fought it and put if down to a bug..... I eventually saw my doc as I had to get my new perception. I told him I felt Tingle's and hot flush on neck, tired and Woosey. He said it sounds like anxiety so increase cit to 20mg. . So last night I did. Had an awful night. Body felt so weird like body was on fire inside.... eventually I got off to sleep and woke a few times.. I then woke about 630. Feeling OK but as the day has gone on the same sensations have returned. Tingles and fatigue. I'm numb... can cit just stop working.... I must admit I have fought it for six weeks and its got worse. Can sit just stop. Can the body get used to it CX should I I crease to 15mg as I think the full 20mg which is a 100% increase has made me feel worse x

08-10-13, 14:42
nippy, could you just be experiencing the initial side effects of the increase? It does sound like it to me.

I have recently restarted Cipralex after 2 years off it. I started at 5mg and thought I would be fine at that as it was such a low dose to start with, and that it would minimise any side effects, but boy was I WRONG!!

I felt super-anxious, spaced out, tingling fingers, sick as hell, no appetite.

I have now increased to my old dose of 10mg daily, and after just the first dose I felt totally zonked out, a bit spaced out and sick again.

Do bear in mind (as you mentioned) that your dose has been doubled, and that can be a big adjustment, but have you been on the increased dose for 6 weeks now? Adjusting to the med can take a while, but if it has been 6 weeks, I would wait a while longer to see if they fully kick in, but not too much longer as that is a substantial amount of time.

I don't think it stops working, but I think it may be that your body is not adjusting quite as it should be at this moment. That could take time or a different dosage.

Big hugs to you.x:hugs:

08-10-13, 15:00
Sorry I meant I have been riding the anxiety out for 6 weeks. Only increase to 20 last night. Thinking may be try 15mg for a few weeks to see how I go and not the full 20mg x

08-10-13, 15:46
Sounds to me like your body is adjusting alright. Remember with every increase or decrease the neurotransmitters in the brain need to re-adjust. This can take several weeks. Hang in there . Things will settle.

08-10-13, 16:10
Sorry I meant I have been riding the anxiety out for 6 weeks. Only increase to 20 last night. Thinking may be try 15mg for a few weeks to see how I go and not the full 20mg x

Aaah, ok hun. I did think perhaps you had just started the higher dose based on your symptoms.

I agree with Deliby99. I think you are experiencing side effects, and your body is adjusting. I would be inclined to say stick with the 20, and don't adjust it, but it is entirely your choice at the end of the day.

Unfortunately, reaching the right dose that helps can be a tricky thing, and the side effects are a bit of a hurdle to jump over, but they don't last forever. They are par for the course sadly.x:bighug1: