View Full Version : hey

08-10-13, 14:23
Hey i'm new!
I have always been a worrier right from the early days, I think my earliest memory was in primary school around 8-9 years old when I got sent home before a math quiz, as I worried and worried about it..
As the years have gone on, my worries continued and developed a short span of social anxiety but was quickly resolved..My anxieties come and go, one day i will feel confident and on top of the world and the next day the smallest thing could freak me out.
I always look into things way too much especially when I'm ill, friendships ect!
Currently a student stuying hospitality management, which is quite stressful itself!, 21 and live in the UK


08-10-13, 14:43
hello and welcome.

Hope u find as much help and support here as I have.

08-10-13, 15:05
Welcome Roberto :welcome:

I take it you're here to study but you've come overseas?

08-10-13, 16:13
Oh no, I like in scotland have done all my life! lol :)
I didn't realise this was a uk based website :blush:

08-10-13, 16:21
Ah ok lol ... Your name made me think you were from Europe. Assumptions huh :whistles: