View Full Version : PTSD and crippling panic attacks

08-10-13, 16:46
Hi all just joined been reading def been helpful to know other people going through similar things and im not going completely mad.
PTSD after bad car accident and month in hospital plus five month recovery 11 years ago. Took years to work through some pretty severe issues.
Just lost my best friend to drunk driver and not coping very well has brought back massive panic attacks and haven't been able to leave the house somedays plus having to work through the grief :weep:

08-10-13, 18:01
Hey Audrey welcome to the sight :)

Like you I'm new but I'm sure you'll find plenty of comfort, support and help here.

I'm sorry to hear about your recent loss. Have you spoken to anyone that can physically help you through this :)

09-10-13, 12:56
:welcome:to the forum

09-10-13, 19:54
Thanks people just reading other people's posts has helped even as I've been pinned to the mat on my kitchen floor

09-10-13, 20:01
Awwww hope you're ok there Audrey. Are you getting any grief counselling? Or any other type of support?

09-10-13, 20:16
Thank you for response yeah gp said would refer for therapy but what type I didn't ask and couldn't quite be bothered - see what will turn up :unsure:

---------- Post added at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------

Couldn't be bothered sounds bad its more not capable just going to see where it goes.

09-10-13, 20:34
Any time you want to chat, message me. I'm around for the next few weeks :)

12-10-13, 07:19
Hello and welcome :)