View Full Version : My Attacks 2

29-10-06, 13:46
I was worried about my heart all kinds of things
About me Age 51 a smoker for many years ( giving up fast )
so I thought ok worry but do something about it, well one of things
about Panic Attacks is food and diet, a freind who works in a hopspital told me about something that happened in a Hospital Cardiac Unit
He found out that a new patients admitted were fed the normal food
etc but to clear out their Arteries they were given .....
on day one 3 dates morning midday evening
day 2 - 3 walnuts moring midday evening
day 3 dates day 4 walnuts apparently this helps clean your system
this goes on for 3 weeks mon - friday

Well I tried this and amazing I feel much better and it works
It allso states walnuts on the BHF website

I tried mackeral fish as well and that made quite a difference
