View Full Version : Hiv&pregnancy fears

08-10-13, 20:28
Hello everyone
I am 17 years old a young girl and I had sex with my boyfriend 6 days ago. He is 27 and had lots of partners in the past(not whores) and he is bodybuilder.
Stupidly, we didnt use condom :(
I was virgin until we had sex for the first time and I bled because my hymen was torn.
He couldnt enter me fully I think onlt the tip of his penis entered but we tried a lot then he pulled out and cummed to my groin area. He also fingered me and gave me oral.I am now very very terrified of hiv and possible pregnancy because the day was my ovulating day.
He said he gets tested properly because the gym wants it. But somehow I cant trust him. Since yesterday I have diarrhoea nausea and sore throat :(
I am soo afraid and hopeless any reassuarence is greatly appreciated
Sorry for all mistakes in English as its my second language and I am not native

09-10-13, 05:41
i can't tell if this serious or not.
anyways you should probably go to sexual health clinic. if he pulled out i wouldn't be too worried about it, but I would still go to the nearest clinic to get a pregnancy test if i were you. I get that mistakes happen, but you should really be using a condom, and get on birth control. and at 27 years old the dude should ****ing know better than that, never mind sleeping with someone that much younger than him.

09-10-13, 13:33
I do not know any sexual health clinic here in Milan but I went to hospital for my symptoms and doctor said it cant be related to HIV

09-10-13, 13:51
Ok well, you wouldn't be getting HIV symptoms this early. The chances that this one encounter would give you HIV anyway are extremely low but you should get yourself tested if you have any questions about your boyfriend (remember that HIV is not the only STD out there). Speak to your doctor, he will point you in the right direction.

With regards to pregnancy - again, it's unlikely but it's too early to say. If your period is late, take a pregnancy test. If that is negative, insist on a condom next time.

09-10-13, 14:03
I have some early signs of pregnancy but he says he didnt ejaculate inside me at all. In this case, is it possiple to get pregnant with pre-ejaculation?

09-10-13, 14:20
It's possible but very unlikely.

Now I'm going to give you a bit of a biology lesson and I don't mean to sound patronising, ok?

When you get pregnant, the first thing that happens is the egg fertilizes. It then travels, very slowly down your fallopian tubes in to your uterus where it attaches itself to your uterine wall. This whole process takes between 7-10 days usually. After this, the fertilized egg starts to release a hormone called HCG - this is the hormone that causes pregnancy symptoms (it is also the hormone that pregnancy tests detect). It takes AT LEAST 48 hours after implantation for the HCG levels to be high enough to cause ANY pregnancy symtoms. Therefore, it is too soon for you to be having pregnancy symptoms, even in the highly unlikely event that you are pregnant.

The flip side of the coin is, if you ARE that medical marvel that is getting pregnancy symptoms this early, your HCG levels are high enough to also be detected by a pregnancy test so take one if you are in doubt. Does that make sense?

09-10-13, 15:59
Oh, thank you so much! It was the scientific answer I was waiting for... I am having chills as well but its good to know they are not related to pregnancy nor hiv. Last 8 days to my period... I am still anixous though

09-10-13, 16:15
I agree with tacoqueen1993.

I have a problem with a guy of 27 years having irresponsible sex with you who are 17 years old, darling.

He should DEFINITELY know better, and not be leaving you in such a position of doubt and fear.

I also have never heard of a gym employee being asked to take STD/HIV testing by their employers......EVER.

It sounds like bullshit, just so he can sleep with you, and without using protection.

Sorry to be so honest with you, it is just it angers me that he has put you in this position. I agree with everybody else. the chances that you are either pregnant or have contracted HIV are very, very slim. He did not come inside you, and although there is a chance of pre-ejaculate creating a pregnancy, it is VERY small.

I do not like the sound of this guy at all. He should not be messing with you like that, or leaving all of the worry about unprotected sex on you, never mind the fact this was your first time, which is a BIG deal for anyone.

Please protect yourself in future hun, as this guy (and others) cannot always be trusted to protect YOU.

Take care.x:hugs:

09-10-13, 17:05
Thanks for supporting girls :hugs:
He just broke up with me because he said I only bring him problems and stress..

I asked to a doctor if they do hiv test in a general health test for sportsmen and he said "yes, hiv testing is included."

I still have the risks of pregnancy and hiv because he could lie to me as well

I am so terrified and frusrated. It is the biggest regret of my life

09-10-13, 17:09
Thanks for supporting girls :hugs:
He just broke up with me because he said I only bring him problems and stress..

I asked to a doctor if they do hiv test in a general health test for sportsmen and he said "yes, hiv testing is included."

I still have the risks of pregnancy and hiv because he could lie to me as well

I am so terrified and frusrated. It is the biggest regret of my life

Honey I would put money on you not being pregnant or having HIV. You should of course test, but only for your peace of mind and I'd advise any sexually active young person the same.

As for the ex boyfriend - he's a douche. Just forget him. We've all dated our fair share of jerks - I know I did at your age! - but most of us meet the right man in the end and wonder what we saw in the previous losers.

You are 17. You have a lot of years ahead to date more *******s and good guys too. Don't waste time crying over this idiot.

You're a smart girl - the fact you can speak a second language so well proves that! And you'll find somebody worthy of you when you're ready x

09-10-13, 17:18
Oh katesa thank you so much :hugs:
I am happy if you say I can speak English well, I like foreign languages quite a lot :)

I am ready to forget this damn idiot guy who is ruining my life at the moment but firstly I have to have my period and get the negatife hiv result.. I am so anixous but I know I wont do the same mistake again I took my lesson soo badly :(

09-10-13, 17:33
Hey sweetheart, with all due respect, you are 17. I'm sure that you are smart and mature, but it's in the job description for every 17 year old in the world, no matter how smart and mature, to mess up and make mistakes. The responsibility was on the 27 year old adult to do the right thing, not you.

When I was 16 I lost my virginity to a complete idiot (at the time I thought he was the best thing ever and so in love - he was a football player and so handsome) then he dumped me a week later. I cried for about a month.

Now I'm 29, a successful writer, married to the most amazing man in the world, living in my dream home and have a beautiful 7 month old son. That loser I lost my virginity to is balding, has a huge beer belly, is unemployed and lives with his mother.

Just think of that x

09-10-13, 17:44
Haha I liked your story! :) the happy ending!
I cry a lot too. Both for him and for me. I dont want to die because of AIDS 10 years later(if I am lucky to live that long)
I dont know the chances of getting hiv for me but even thinking of the very low risk is still a risk.
Also getting pregnant would ruin my life and my education.
I regret it so much and I hate myself at the moment because I put my life in danger. If something happens I will never forgive myself

09-10-13, 17:55
Honey, I'm more likely to have HIV than you and I don't.

My uncle is a professional body builder (if you want I can PM you the link to his webpage so you know I'm not making it up) and I sent him a text - apparently he does have HIV checks. Obviously, I'm from the UK so I can't comment on your country but it does sound more believable to me now.

You should still get STI screening though but again, that is what I would say to any sexually active young person. More minor things like herpes are far more likely (although still very unlikely in your situation)

As for pregnancy - as I said before, very very unlikely. In 8 days you will be telling me you are not pregnant and I will be reminding you to remember this in future and make sure future boyfriends use a condom

09-10-13, 18:11
THANKS SO MUCH!! the evidence that bodybuilders have the hiv checks gave me some reassurance. Thanks a lot for your favour katesa you cant know how much I feel better :)

I hope I wont get pregnant. He completely ejaculated on my belly so it must be a good thing but the bad thing that I was ovulating at that time.
I hope everything will be okay.. I keep saying myself "this too shall pass"

09-10-13, 18:18
I hope I wont get pregnant. He completely ejaculated on my belly so it must be a good thing but the bad thing that I was ovulating at that time.

He may be a body builder but unless his little swimmers are super human, the chances of making it into your body from your belly and through your cervix are nil.

Good Luck!

09-10-13, 18:23
I am afraid of pre ejaculation more than semen

09-10-13, 18:28
Note to self - don't drink anything when reading Fishmanpa's posts unless I want to replace my keyboard.

You're so welcome Alessa - next time I see my uncle I'm going to ask him why on earth they do that. I just can't understand why it's needed but hey ho, it's good news for you!

Please do let me know when you find out you're not pregnant. I like to be proven right ;-)

09-10-13, 18:33
Dont worry I'll say you right after I had my period :) I feel so lucky to have the reassurance which I am badly in need of from the greeat people like you. This is the biggest challenge of my life so far but I know I'll overcome with it with your supports :hugs: :hugs:

09-10-13, 18:36
Aww bless, you're welcome hon.

Just remember that stress can make a period late so try to not stress ok? Because we all know what you'll be like if it's late

09-10-13, 18:59
I'll try to. I was never late though, even I was on antibiotics. I am very regular thankfully :)

10-12-13, 11:57
I got negative HIV result today at 10 weeks! I am soo happy! :) Thanks to everyone here for your precious posts and reassurence that I was badly in need of. :) :)