View Full Version : My Attacks 3

29-10-06, 14:58
Well every moring I seems to get wobbly
and panic sets in nervous shallow breating then heart
we all know

This time on about my 7th attack I said what is going on now ?
lots of silly ideas in my head to worry about I thought this may
have been the cause ?

so that night I said to myself Ok instead of having an attack I want my mind to tell me what there is to worry about, pen and paper at hand
I got 5 minutes of silence, waiting for answers I did this several times
I said to myself... Well then Well well well
so tomorrow I get my daily panic, I also didnt get any silly ideas
going round my head, because my head said to me theres nothing to worry about

now im worried about my health

29-10-06, 16:25
Its all part of anxiety,try not to worry about your health.I know its easier said than done.;)

Ellen XX

29-10-06, 17:16
Thankyou Ellen for your support I know people say this, and I have been doing very well and this is my history... I called NHS direct when this happened they asked me questions and came to the conclusioned
it wasent a heart problem - to went to the local hospital they checked y pulse pressure and an ECG all ok ... then to docter he checked me ok
had my blood sugar level pressure checked ok : meanwhile I couldnt walk more than 100ft and found my heart racing because of this I kept getting waves come over me what these were I dont know, I changed my diet cut down on cigarettes I had a blood test ok Cholesteral 6.4
changed diet : went on a tread mill for 3 minutes in a cardiac unit ok
consultant says - what ? your a smoker your doing really well
2nd blood test ok : every day im getting better and stronger but its been 20 days and every morning I get attacks and panicky all the tests = ok : but when I do something I get nervous and my heart races
every day is better and I am a fully concious person my docter says ok but i am still sick, its not nerves because I know the risk period and a peacefull period ive cut down cigarettes to about 15 per day, im doing everything right so far but my body wont behave however last night about 11 am I was in a club and gently danced all day I felt an awarness on the front of my chest not pain however as I danced foor 40 secs I flt a rise in a sharp knife like pain slowly in the middle of my chest and went and sat outside ready with a bag tried breathing ... next a very mild panic attack so I went to see a friend who`s had attacks and they aid nothing to worry about, but I never felt this before so what was that I have little twinge pains all over tummy as well I used to eat freid chicken coke every day untill the initial atack then change but what caused this knife like pain ? but after my diet changed the tummy pains slowly went away : I spoke ot a lot of people my age 50 - 70 they said weve had those and docters found nothig wrong my docter paraded around in a silly shirt and tie but actually didnt do anything all he said wos change your diet avoid greasy foods and was more interested in me not smoking this website actually helped me more : my blood test which I got said all ok - white cells a little higher than average so what caused this new pain I dont know

29-10-06, 17:57
sounds like anxiety and panic and it sounds like your starting to take better care of your wee body so pat your self on the back and remember that many on this site have chest pain daily and it can be due to anxiety and tension. if you are quite tense then you will be holding muscles in in this area that will cause tightness and one off pains

so glad youve got the all clear


29-10-06, 18:03
thank you Jackie ... so really my muscles are tenseing up themselves ?
and my mental subsytems are doing this ? by themselves ? its a sub conscious thing ?

29-10-06, 19:43
Considering you have eliminated all the medical explanations then it could be panic - anxiety? Panic is sub-concious and its very subtle in the way it all begins. Monitor your thoughts, you are probably having negative ones around the time of your symptoms that can bring on the panic. It is how and what we think that are mostly our triggers :D

Goodluck! You are not alone regardless of your age or physiacl health alot of us feel what you feel :D
