View Full Version : Eye pain when closed

08-10-13, 22:24
Hey guys, how are you all?

I been feeling slightly under the weather past couple of days, with quite bad sharp headaches and a nasty cough, coughing up green phlegm (nasty)
Since yesterday afternoon when I close my eye (my left eye) there is a pain, which I can't particularly pin-point but it feels like it's coming from the back of my eye or top.

09-10-13, 11:46
What kind of work routine you have..?
Let me know how much time you spend on TV and a laptop and Mobile..
You know some technical work make cause for this pain.. So I think you should try some eye drops in your eyes at night..

Elitescale offers a variety of scales (http://www.elitescale.com/?sl=EN)

09-10-13, 16:41
Hi, there are lots of things this could be but one very simple thing is dry eyes. My specialist told me to use lubricating eye drops (ask the pharmacist, there are different kinds, you don't need anything strong).

This cleared mine up like magic. But I would also get your optician to check them out to be on the safe side.

09-10-13, 22:30
Hi thanks for your replies...I work on computers quite often on a daily basis.. anywhere from 2-6hrs a day.

I recently got my eyes checked when I was having headaches about 4 months ago and they were fine.

10-10-13, 12:04
RVP, your various symptoms are just a part of being human. The human body is not perfect and minor things happen all the time, just as they do to a car. My air con stopped working the other day for no reason. Did it mean that my car stopped working? Did my car die? NO, the aircon came back on the next day for no reason.

Aches and pains are part of being human, EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE has them all the time. Even Gwyneth Paltrow: http://www.express.co.uk/news/showbiz/383924/Gwyneth-Paltrow-thought-she-was-going-to-die-when-she-believed-she-was-having-a-stroke

You seriously need to accept pains like this and get on with your life without constantly looking for reassurance on here about them. It is the only way to beat this, please believe me.

11-10-13, 19:18
Take REGULAR breaks from the screen and consciously increase your blink rate. This is what dries your eyes out, I have to remember to blink more.