View Full Version : An embarrassing issue

09-10-13, 10:42
WARNING - THIS POST CONTAINS DISGUSTING CONTENTS ! I don't know how to explain such an embarrassing issue for a grown man to have , I'm 27 , so I'll do the best I can. I've had this problem for the past few year's it's so embarrassing and its so painful due to it being very dry it's impossible to walk properly , so it does cause pain. Basically every time I go to have a poop it splatters everywhere it's really messy and it just sticks to my bum so when I go to wipe it it gets extremely messy , it's impossible to wipe it all off properly. I always sweat around the bum area after pooping so I can't really walk properly and I'm constantly paranoid that i smell but people haven't said anything I've even asked my fiance , she says it's all in my head. I've tried eating fibre with 2 litres of water a day and I've also tried fibre supplements but only in powder form as I'm not sure I can take them in tablet form , due to being on 40mg citalopram. I don't want to go to my doctors because I know he must get fed up of me going whenever a problem pops up , even I'm fed up , so I thought I'd ask on here for suggestions because I'm sure there are others with the same problems.

09-10-13, 10:48
Well - it is always possible to clean completely, even if it takes a long time. Have you tried those moist wipes?

Have you always been this way? It sounds a bit like one of the variants of IBS or some allergy-related condition.

Personally I don't believe a doctor would mind you asking about this. Calmly keep a diary for the next week of how frequently it happens, if it is EVERY time you poo, colour, consistency, odour...

If you have not always been this way (or even if you have) it is very possibly something which can be successfully treated; you won't know until you have asked.

09-10-13, 10:52
I'm not sure if I've always been this way but I don't think I've ever liked going toilet. All I know is that I go toilet straight after eating dinner most nights not all the time but it's rare if I don't , very strange.

09-10-13, 11:39
I'm supposing you mean loose stools. Maybe eat less fibre than more? And go speak with your doctor. They can reassure you, and offer the correct advice. And note what you eat and drink.

09-10-13, 11:50
It sounds like typical IBS to me, I'd be cutting right down on the fibre, with IBS too much fibre is just as bad as too little, so just try cutting it down a wee bit :)

Re the cleaning, try the wet wipes and if not, why not get a flannel, just one that you would use in that area only, and wash the area with soap and water after you've opened your bowels, remember to keep that flannel separate to any other flannels and wash it regularly :)

Your buttocks will be sore if you've got any leakage from the rectum as when you walk your buttocks rub together, thus causing chaffing, and the thing you don't want happening, if for infection to get into any broken skin :)

Do not use talcum powder though, it just forms a paste once it's wet and then it will harbor bacteria, if you're sore in your buttocks now, I'd use some vaseline as that is a barrier cream :)

09-10-13, 13:12
A couple of things here. Auntie Moosie has a point. IBS could be a reason for sure especially in light of your anxiety issues. Also, a side effect of citalopram is diarrhea so that could be a cause.

When I went through my bout with depression, I was given Zoloft. It messed up my stomach/bowels big time! Fortunately I was able to wean off of it after 6 months. Perhaps a different med or dose would help. Definitely speak with your GP.

Concerning the mess? Heck man... they make dozens of baby and adult wipes for just that. Yes, it's kinda messy and gross but what are you gonna do? You can't very well take a shower every time you poo ;)

Good Luck!

09-10-13, 14:07
Dave, this isn't so embarrassing. I have terrible IBS (D) that is fortunately now very well-controlled with medication and diet.

You can get wet toilet wipes in the loo roll aisle in the supermarket. A flannel may be gentler though. Vaseline or Sudocream (baby aisle) will allow your skin to heal.

Another tip: rest your feet up on a small step or bin, this puts you at a better angle for it to go straight down into the toilet rather than all over your skin.

Don't be afraid to go to your doctor about your diarrhoea. It's their job to help with this kubd of stuff. There are many treatments for diarrhoea, so hopefully you won't have to live with this forever.

09-10-13, 16:33
Most babies poo after (or during) their feed. It is called the Gastro-colonic reflex I think. It sounds as though yours is in overdrive.

Surely you would know if you have always been this way? I'd definitely see the doctor to get a bit of help. I don't know how much you drink, but alcohol is a very big factor in a lot of adult diarrhoea. I know you have said you are not 'A chronic drinker' but one of the signs of problem drinking is if you feel the need to seek help about it... Why not discuss this with the doctor at the same time?