View Full Version : Day 3 40mg. My experience

09-10-13, 10:56
If this can help anyone who is upping their dose then this will be a positive thing I have done today.

Briefly:been on cipramil for many yrs, prob 10. Been on 20mg for most of that time. Been symptom free for 9 yrs ( diagnosed with GAD and depression.)
A month ago my symptoms/illness returned. Triggered by coming back from seeing my mum who lives in Spain I think and then my daughter got ill. The physical symptoms of it wore me down and I broke and told everyone around me how I was feeling. Self medicated for 6 days by upping my dose to 30 mg, felt worse, usual side effects. Saw gp Monday who advised me to up to 40 mg and this is day 3 on the higher dose. Last night about midnight I had an overwhelming sense of calm come over me. It was lovely. Like the black cloud had lifted from my head. A sense of freedom. A welcome feeling. I woke at 2am in a fit of worry about ringing work to tell them I've been signed off for 2 weeks. I got up this morn with heightened anxiety, was sick but pluck up the courage to call work. They were v.good ( I've worked there for 20 yrs, they know me well, I'm a hard worker.) felt relief again and anxiety settled. Feel abit spaced out at
The moment but definitely better ? If u can call it that. Not so agitated. Feel like my head is not so heavy and I'm awake abit ( felt kinda dead over the last month). I feel scared though. Scared that I'll go back to 'it'. Suppose that's normal. But I do feel like the pills are kicking in. I'm telling myself I just needed abit extra, 20mg has cut it for so long but now I just need abit extra to get me back on track. Kinda gutted as I thought I had cured myself. Obviously not.

So for anyone going through a blip, it's normal they tell me. Our bodies way of saying hey, enough is enough, time out please!! Abit of extra support to get through.

Today is today, tomorow is tomorow xxx

10-10-13, 20:41
Day 4: definite improvement. Anxiety in morn only lasted a few mins!! Hurrah!! Feel more in control of myself. Today is #worldmentalheathday btw. Hang on in there xx

10-10-13, 21:05
That's great news - I hope things continue to get better for you! :)

12-10-13, 11:31
Ty sparkle. Had a blip last night which resulted in tears and panic but had a really good sleep last night and feel ok today. Day 6..... It will get easier.. I got that hope in my head now xx

12-10-13, 11:51
It will get easier, you just need to get past the first bit while your system gets used to the change

14-10-13, 08:44
Day 8 40mg. I had a couple of good days then a couple of bad ( this was awful cos on the good days I thought that was it- over!). Nausea in morn still and shaking legs but I went out yesterday ( 1st time in a week ) and did ok ( my hubby was with me ). It's my youngests birthday today so I want to be happy for her. I'm trying soooo hard. Xx

14-10-13, 19:39
The day has ended so nicely. My head feels so much better tonight. We took daughter out for a meal and I relaxed and enjoyed. I hope tomorow is another good day.... I want to go back to work and live my life again xxx

14-10-13, 20:19
40mg has done wonders for me, the other doses didn't really have much effect.

Good luck Britabb!

14-10-13, 20:24
Ty monostich! There is a light and I'm going towards it :) this site has helped me so much in the last few weeks. It's good to know that I'm not alone. Xx