View Full Version : The times we've been wrong - come on, lets list them!

09-10-13, 11:32
Hi all,

I think it would help many of us to have a quick reminder of how often we've thought we have some awful disease but were wrong, dead wrong. I'm embarrassed to go first but I will - greater good and all that!

These are all from within the last few months - before that I thought I had a handle on my anxiety. And looking back I can't believe how many things I've worried about in such a short space of time.

1) My symptoms - Lower back and abdominal pain, feeling tired, spotting between periods.

What I thought it was - Cervical/uterine/ovarian cancer

Tests I had - Blood tests, abdominal ultrasound - all clear

What it was - Hormonal imbalance. Pains magically went away when ultrasound was clear.

2) My symptoms - Rash on chest that came and went, feeling tired

What I thought it was - Liver cancer

Tests I had - Liver function test, other blood tests

What is was - Still a slight hormonal imbalance.

3) My symptoms - Throaty cough and right shoulder/upper back pain (still ongoing) and one off strong chest pain.

What I thought it was - Lung cancer, of course.

Tests I had - Blood tests, oxygen test, 4 examinations by GP/A&E/urgent care centre doctors.

What it was - Chest pain - probably acid,
Cough - Postnasal drip (sexy!)
Shoulder/upper back pain - Still unresolved and still ongoing. However, to quote my doctor, "I think we can safely say it's not lung cancer"

So. Anyone else dare to share?

09-10-13, 12:21
Brilliant post! Might be worth adding in Vs times i was right

09-10-13, 13:03
Brilliant post! Might be worth adding in Vs times i was right

Ah but then there will always be that one person who was "right" about having Can''t-pee-straight-disease or something :winks:

09-10-13, 13:19
You mean there is a disease for that!!! OMG I haven't factored that in!

09-10-13, 13:24
Best consult Dr Google my friend. It's deadly (to marriages anyway)

09-10-13, 13:33
I'll share one that got me interested in learning about anxiety disorders.

I'm on a couple of oral cancer boards, moderating on one. There was a guy who began posting several months ago who was sure he had OC.

Symptoms - pain on the back of tongue, pain in the throat, swollen tonsils, white spots and ulcers, swollen lymph nodes level two through level 5 and a plethora of other symptoms that magically appeared the longer he was on the boards.

What he thought is was - Back of Tongue Oral Cancer

Tests that were done (Can't be all true) - In an 8 month period, seen by 25 doctors, two CAT scans, a PET scan, palatine tonsillectomy and biopsies, allergy tests, acid reflex tests including wearing a monitor when sleeping, dozens of blood work ups, a lingual tonsil biopsy that ended up being a neck dissection along with an excision of a piece of the hyiod bone and some more things I can't remember.

What it was - NOTHING!! There were many inconsistencies in his posts that lead me as well as others to believe this was either BS or an extreme case of HA along with other mental illnesses.

09-10-13, 13:44
Ok I will join in too:

Symptoms: Lower back ache that materialised after learning my father had renal cancer at my age.

Tests: Upper abdominal ultrasound, paid for privately.

What it actually was: Nothing, although they did find some fat on my liver. Taught me that sometimes tests point out things you would have never known about, or particularly needed to know about and that most of the population live without knowing about, but gives you something else to worry about.


Symptoms: Aching all over, aching joints.

Tests: Went to the GP and specifically said I didnt want any tests unless they thought it absolutely necessary through fear that in itself would feed the beast and become an endless cycle. GP suggested we do a blood test as a general health check which i agreed to. Showed nothing significant just liver function at the upper end of normal which she said was in line with metabolising of medication.

What it was: Well i still fight the thought of MS and MND and anything else my brain chooses to hook onto, even though I know really that neither of these conditions attack all four limbs simultaneously and with equal ferocity. What it probably is is tension which is causing nerve pain down my arms and legs - ah that reminds me i have booked a massage for an hours time. Going to see a chiropractor to see if there is anything obviously wrong with my posture and failing that I am going to put it out of my mind (or try to) and hope it goes away.

11-10-13, 22:46
I would like to list too as I think as you say it's a good to get an idea...thanks Katesa

My symptom: Diarrhoea, stomach pains and ulcer
Tests: colonoscopy(twice), tube down nose into small bowel and Endoscopy
What I thought it was: The big C, colitis, crohns
What it actually was: IBS

My symptom: heart palpitations, skipped heart beats, chest pain
Tests: ECG and heart monitor
What I thought it was: heart disease
What it actually was: Couldn't find anything and costochondritis (inflammation of rib cage wall)

My symptom: Moles appearing on thigh
Tests: examination
What I thought it was: The big C (again!!)
What it actually was: Doctor explained moles appear as the years go by and we age

my symptom: pins and needles, pupils dilating different sizes, numbness on one side of body, pain all the time etc etc
Tests: Neurology
What I thought it was: MS
What it actually was: fibromyalgia and hyperventilation syndrome

My symptom: Stomach pain and nausea
Tests: Doctor examined me
What I thought it was: stomach cancer
What it actually was: IBS and anxiety

Symptom: Fingers went a blue/black colour and bruised like
Tests: none, because I realised after panicking that it was make-up LOL!!!!!!!(really!!)

Symptom: lump on chest wall
Tests: examination (by three different doctors, my demand!
What I thought it was: well, that's obvious...
What it actually was: inflamed cartilage

I am currently getting more blood tests for feeling dizzy, nauseas, shakiness, loss of appetite etc and now found a new symptom to add on top so now thinking of the big c again *sigh*

SO TIRED OF THIS!!!!!!!!:mad:

The current symptoms I am having now as

Snow White
12-10-13, 14:22
Hi, am new here but thought I would share one as lovely to meet people who understand.

Symptoms - pain in right side, tiredness, bloating, swollen lymph nodes in neck, sweating at night.
Tests - blood tests, doctor's examination
What I thought it was - Liver Cancer, lymphoma
Result - Nothing, just went away once distracted, pain in side probably IBS based.

22-10-13, 22:41
I have a few myself

Symptoms: Feeling tired, no appetite, almost fainting, loss of weight
Tests: full check-up
What I thought: Liver failure
What it was: NOTHING

Symptoms: Feeling tired, going often to bathroom, some pain in kidneys area, etc
Tests: full check-up
What I thought: Kidney failure
What it was: NOTHING (except for some small kidney stones that I knew before)

Symptoms: palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, etc
Tests: 24-h holter monitor, check-up
What I thought: Heart failure
What it was: NOTHING

Symptoms: Weak legs, pins & needles, numbness, etc
Tests: full check-up, but no neuro tests
What I thought: MS, BT even ALS
What it was: I hope nothing, but still not sure on this...

There are a few others that I have forgot :)

22-10-13, 22:45
Thank you everyone so far who has been brave enough to do this. These will hopefully help someone (maybe even ourselves).

22-10-13, 22:55
Symptoms - Weird bleeding pattern
Tests - Smear, swabs
What I thought it was - Cervical/womb cancer - advanced - weeks to live
What it was: Bleeding problems caused by my contraceptive implant, has stopped now it is removed!

Symptoms - Tartar on teeth
Tests - Dentist check up
What I thought it was - My teeth dying, thought I would need them all removed, fully prepared to have a full set of false teeth at 25
What it was - Tartar on teeth...

I've had loads of worries, but these are my latest!

23-10-13, 11:21
Symptoms: Pain in the chest while inhaling
What I thought it was: A lung disease / Blood clot in the lung (Thanks for telling me about that doc)
Test: Check up and CT Scan
What It was: Nothing. Probably just a muscle ache.

Symptoms: Ache in my leg/arm
What I thought it was: Heart Attack
Test: None.
What it was: Restless legs/arms

Symptoms: Pain in throat when swallowing
What I Thought it was: Tonsillitis / Strep Throat etc
Test: Check Up
What it was: Nothing. Doctor examined and everything was in order, no redness, no swelling. Probably just a dry throat or something.

Symptons: Rapid heartbeat, shaking, hyperventilation, pains in left arm and chest
What I thought it was: Heart Attack
Test: ECG, check up and a 4 hour visit to the hospital. Twice.
What is was: Panic Attack.

Symptoms: Tiredness/exhaustion
What I thought it was: Anemia
Test: Blood Test
What it was: Bad diet, no exercise and over sleeping.

Pretty sure that's it. I should probably keep a list handy so when I feel ill I can remind myself that it's my imagination.

Let's hear if for our OH's for putting up with us. Despite being fed up with our constant worrying they stick by us and sit through all the tests we don't need! I don't know what I would do if I didn't have mine saying "It's nothing!!!" every time I panicked.

Tilly Flop
23-10-13, 13:12
Last week I was panicking because I had a horrible headache and my vision was blurred.i thought I has some kind of brain thing going on.
what it actually was...
I had my contact lenses in the wrong eyes.

24-10-13, 16:02
My go:

Symptoms - Headaches, shortness of breath, panic attacks, feeling as if I was dying.
What I thought it was: Menengitis, Human form of CJD
Test - Check up
What it actually was - Anxiety

Symptoms - Bad pain in left hand side of chest
What I thought it was - Heart disease/lung cancer
Test - Chest xray
What it actually was - Pneumothorax which healed itself

Symptoms - Bad pain in left hand side of chest again
What I thought it was - Heart disease/lung cancer/pneumothorax
Test - Chest xray
What it actually was - Never got to the bottom of it, probably trapped wind

Symptoms - Bad pain in left hand side of chest again/Pins and needles in arm and hand
What I thought it was - Heart attack/Brain Tumour
Test - ECG
What it actually was - Never got to the bottom of it, probably trapped wind again

Symptoms - Low Iron Levels on two occasions
What I thought it was - Something deadly
Test - Colonoscopy and endoscopy, stomach biopsy
What it actually was - Diet related

Symptoms - Weird sensation in eyes. Like electric shocks and brain zaps when moving them
What I think it is - Brain Tumour or some type of cancer
Test- none yet
What it actually was - Not had it checked out yet

28-10-13, 12:06
Great idea for a topic.
Hopefully it'll be more successful that my attempt...


15-06-15, 23:51
Thought I would resurrect this as it strikes me as being very relevant to my problems and something others new to the sites can probably relate to.

Symptoms - abdominal pain, constipation.
What I thought it was - colon cancer.
What it actually was - IBS caused by anxiety.

Symptoms - various spots on body.
What I thought it was - skin cancer.
What it actually was - harmless moles and sunspots. Despite absolutely convincing myself I had skin cancer a dermatologist actually told me that due to my skin tone the I would probably never get a melanoma in my life, even if I tried!

Symptoms - bubbly urine at times
What I thought it was - kidney disease.
What it actually was - nothing to be concerned about. Part of being a middle aged man.

Symptoms - numbness and tingling down one side of my body.
What I thought it was - god only knows but undoubtedly something terminal.
What it actually was - anxiety.

Symptoms - headache
What I thought it was - brain tumour, probably from a melanoma.
What it actually was - anxiety.

Symptoms - hand tremor.
What I thought it was - parkinsons
What it actually was - anxiety.

Symptoms - brain fog, forgetting things, slurred speech
What I thought it was - early onset alzheimers, stroke, some other awful neurological disorder.

There are certainly more.

What it was - anxiety.

After eight months of this I am only now accepting that anxiety can cause so many physical issues.

Gary A
15-06-15, 23:59
This is an excellent thread and a good example to lots of posters on a few things. It shows how common it is for people to have pretty bad symptoms caused by something mundane, and just how often HA sufferers are utterly convinced they're suffering from a horrific illness only for it to turn out to be either nothing at all or something pretty boring.

I'd suggest this thread should be a sticky.

16-06-15, 00:00
Oh where do I even begin... I couldn't possibly list them all.

Symptoms: Chronic headaches, sinus infections, fever, constant congestion, heavy eyelids
What I thought it was: Brain tumor, sinus tumor, anything tumor
What it actually was: Allergies

Symptoms: Red burning rash all over my body, fever, extreme body aches, dizziness, vomitting
What I thought it was: lupus
What it actually was: A virus that went away.

Symptoms: Jaw pain, swollen glands, headaches, pain swallowing on one side only
What I thought it was: throat cancer
What it actually was: TMJ

Symptoms: Bump inside my nose
What I thought it was: Nose cancer
What it actually was: Dead skin that fell off.

Symptoms: Lump under my tongue
What I thought it was: Oral Cancer
What it actually was: Lingual Tonsil

This is getting embarrassing ....but I'll continue! lol

Symptoms: Night sweats
What I thought it was: Any/all cancers
What it actually was: side effect of meds

This one is the best:
Symptoms: Bruises all over my legs out of nowhere
What I thought it was: Leukemia
What it actually was: Blue from my new jeans had rubbed off on my skin. I realized when the bruises washed off in the shower.

I know there are more ... just won't make myself look even worse. Just check out my posts from a few years ago :)

16-06-15, 00:36
symptoms watering of right eye, runny right nostril, swollen lymph nodes
What I thought it was Sinus cancer
Tests Sinus CT scan
What it actually was still not sure but probably a mix of a blocked tear duct and allergies

Symptoms chest pain, shooting pain in left arm
What I thought it was heart attack
Tests EKG, ECG, ultrasound, X-ray
What it actually was just anxiety

16-06-15, 03:19

Symptoms : tingly arms , hands , pains near chest
What I Thought it was : something dealing with the heart
Tests Done Ekg , X-ray
What it actually was : anxiety

Symptoms : stomach pains , felt woozy , palpitations
What I thought it was: stomach virus
Tests done urine, blood
What is actually wasanxiety

Symptoms : nausea, lymph node acting up, couldn't eat , neck was hot. Then later pelvic pain ..couldn't hold in food or liquids
What I thought it was stomach virus
Tests done 1st clinic: urine , that's all. Wrote me off with anxiety . 2nd clinic : blood test, urine, CAT scan
What it actually was colitis (has since been treated ��)

16-06-15, 08:42
Symptoms: stomach pains, bloated, ribbon like stools, blood in stools.
Tests: stool test, endoscopy, colonoscopy, blood tests.
What I thought it was: convinced it was colon cancer
What it wa: internal piles and hpylori

16-06-15, 13:34
Symptoms : pressure under right ribs, slightly elevated ALT AST, some rashes would appear pretty easily on my thighs with just a bit of friction
What I Thought it was : Hepatitis B
Tests : another test for ALT AST and test for HEP B
What it actually was : anxiety + alt and ast were elevated for unknown reasons

Symptoms : slight headache for 14 days or so
What I Thought it was : Brain Tumor
Tests : None
What it actually was : Who knows...it stopped

Symptoms : Fresh blood in stool
What I Thought it was : Colon Cancer
Tests : None
What it actually was : It stopped after one day so probably some fissure

Symptoms : Twitching in left triceps for more than 14 days continuously
What I Thought it was : ALS
Tests : When to neurologist who did neuro test
What it actually was : BFS

Symptoms : Tingling in right leg thumb, left leg thumb, electric impulse when brushing over left leg pinky, electric impulse in left achilles heel when brushing over left thigh, burning in left achilles heel, waking up with severe pins and needles in my hands
What I Thought it was : MS
Tests : same neuro exam
What it actually was : probably Anxiety since these symptoms are coming and going for almost 2.5 years

Symptoms : grey patch on gums
What I Thought it was : Oral Melanoma
Tests : went to dentist
What it actually was : amalgam tattoo

Symptoms : sweating more under right armpit
What I Thought it was : MS/Tumor of some kind (Neuro issue)
Tests : Just went to my therapist
What it actually was : It is ongoing...

Pretty long list...

16-06-15, 14:08
Year 2000.. Muscle tension which became so severe I couldn't raise my arms above waist,muscles in neck clamped, couldn't turn head. Dizziness, sinus issues.Then a head tremor.
What I thought it might be...Parkinsons, MS
What it was ..Muscle tension, anxiety...with physio cleared after 3 months.
Year 2010. Virtually a repeat of 10 years previous but with added muscle twitches,
What it was... exactly same. more physio and several months later back to norm.

16-06-15, 19:08
What I thought: Every day I think I have a life threatening illness condition or injury
What it was: I am still alive and have not had much medical intervention

Clarry Anny
16-06-15, 20:03
Ok....here goes...
Pain in rib.....cancer........was inflamed floating rib....pain went as soon as I was told this!
Rash on breast......ibc.......fungal infection.....
Bowel issues.....bowel cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer......ibs!
Various moles.......skin cancer.......had removed but were not even anything!
Pain in breasts.......breast cancer.....hormones!
Tingling feet......ms..
Every chest infection....lung cancer or..HIV....
Ovarian cancer.......( no symptoms....that was the worry! Had blood tests....)
Every headache I ever get.....brain tumour.
Fatigue.......any cancer.
Lump in wrist.......cancer

So many ....once one worry goes...another arrives....

17-06-15, 17:09
This is actually making me lol, because I know how ridiculous I sound when I get something in my head, but when that thoughts there then that's it!!

Lose of use in arm, slurred speech etc
What I thought.. Stroke, tIA.
Test. Went to hospital no tests.
What it was migraine.

Chest pain
What I thought..heart attach.
Test ECG.
What it was.. Anxiety with chest sprain.

Couldn't swallow, felt sick
What I thought.stomach cancer
Test endoscopy
What it was anxiety

What I thought..brain tumour
Test docs neuro exam
What it was tension headache.

After car accident had headache.
What I thought. Brain bleed.
What test. X-ray a and 3 times.
What it was concussion.

Bloating, pelvic pain, bladder and rectum problem.
What I thought. Colon, ovary, or pelvic mass/ cancer
Test on going so far bloods normal, internal normal ,urine normal, poo normal, next step ultrasound next week.
What do they think it is, reaction to meds, ibs, and anxiety

I'm tired out reading this x

18-06-15, 16:14
Great idea....
Symptoms I had- bad headache, sensitive to light
What I thought it was- aneurysm
Tests done- ct scan
Turned out to be- migraine

Symptoms I had- abdominal pain, constipation
What I thought it was- bowel obstruction
Tests done- x ray, ct scan
Turned out to be- lactose intolerance

Symptoms I had- calf pain
What I thought it was- dvt
Tests done- d dimers, ultrasound, minerals and vitamins bloodwork, xray
Turned out to be- torn muscle

Symptoms I had- chest pain
What I thought I had- embolism
Tests done- ECG, x ray, ultrasound
Turned out to be- most likely costochondritis

14-10-15, 12:17
Many Many

Symptoms: burning urination
Tests: All STD tests including 7 urinalysis/cultures, full blood work (CBC, LFT, RFT, CRP, ESR, PSA) CT scan lumbar-thoracic, amdominal-pelvic ultrasound (4 times)
What I thought: Genitourinary tuberculosis, penile/bladder/prostate cancer/ terminal cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, UTI
What it was: nothing

Symptoms: Asthma symptoms, SOB, coughing
Tests: Pulmonary function test, cardio stress test, echocardiogram, lung CT scan, chest Xray
What I thought: lung cancer/ heart problem leading to sudden death
What it was: nothing

Symptoms: Pain in armpit, swollen palpable lymph nodes in the neck
Tests: Full blood work, neck ultrasound, FNA biopsy of 2 lymph nodes
What I thought: Lymphoma
What it was: nothing

Wow after reading what I just wrote I think I probably need some counseling :blush:

14-10-15, 16:25
I have a few to add...

Symptoms: small painful underarm lumps
Tests: Ultrasound; physical examination
What I thought it was: swollen lymph nodes..breast cancer
What it was: folliculitis (after a few days the small lump developed white head, little pus came out, lump gone)

Symptoms: dry, painful eyes after a bout of conjunctivitis
Test: eye test by an opthalmologist
What I thought it was: Sjogren disease
What it was: just dry eyes which according to the specialist quite normal as we age, hormonal related. prescribed eye drop and applied for a month and no more dry eyes

Symptoms: frequent urination; pelvic pain
Test: urine test
What I thought it was: kidney disease... ovarian cancer
What it was: UTI.. cleared after antibiotics

Symptoms: chest pain; left arm and shoulder pain; breathlessness
Test: endoscopy; ECH; stress test
What I thought it was: heart attack.. heart problem..liver disease...
What it was: GERD

15-10-15, 05:42
Symptoms : Blood in stool
What I Thought it was : Colon Cancer, stomach cancer
Tests : Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Stool Test
What it actually was : The red dye in Crystal light

Symptoms : Constipation, Diarrhea, Cramps, Burning butt hole.
What I Thought it was : Colon Cancer, Duadnal cancer
Tests : Blood, Stool, Visual
What it actually was : IBS, Mixed with Stomach dumping syndrome.

Symptoms : Burning throat
What I Thought it was : Throat Cancer
Tests : None
What it actually was : GERD

Symptoms : All over body Twitching
What I Thought it was : ALS
Tests : None
What it actually was : Found out it was due to intense anxiety. More then likely to be BFS.

Symptoms : Itchy scalp, itchy ankels, itchy armpits, itchy crotch.
What I Thought it was : Lymphoma
Tests : None
What it actually was : Once my stress stopped lowered it stopped.

Symptoms : Itchy taint and anus
What I Thought it was : Herpes
Tests : Blood, Swab
What it actually was : Alergic reaction to hemp toilet paper.

Symptoms : Pain in hips
What I Thought it was : Spinal tumor, cancer
Tests : X-ray, MRI
What it actually was: Hip Dysplasia

Symptoms : Dizzyness, Blurry Vision, Nerve Tingling
What I Thought it was : Brain Tumor
Tests : Cognitive and physical function test
What it actually was : Poor sleeping habits, anxiety, not leaving room for months.

Symptoms : Itchy Breast, Itchy nipple
What I Thought it was : Breast Cancer
Tests : Blood, soon ultrasound
What it actually was : Possibly a rash, yet to be determined.

16-10-15, 18:53
Symptoms: stomach pains
What I thought it was: colitis/ crohns
Test: doctor examined my tummy
What it was: bloating from eating too much junk food

Symptoms: pins and needles, numbness, vertigo sensations, bladder urgency
What I thought it was: MS/ ALS
Tests:neuro exam. mri
What it was: anxiety

16-10-15, 20:45
So pleased I'm not the only one who dramatises every little ailment.....my last illness which I still have..... A cough that won't go....and which I have now pulled all the muscles in my chest from coughing....have resulted in 4 Trips to docs...X-rays and scans. Of course I thought it was lung cancer!!
It's this fear that has caused my latest bout of anxiety, panic attacks and depression.
It sounds laughable when u list them down but at the time it's all consuming.
Keep fighting everyone. Xx

16-10-15, 20:50
Thought all sorts over the past 5 years :blush:

This week ....

1...JET BLACK pooh and the shits ......bowel cancer ....

Forgot about the massive black pudding i ate the night before

2... Bowell pain , the shits and blood ........

Tomatoe skins and the black bits mushrooms .

3.. Bleeding from the bum hole ....

Spilt my ring piece ( i looked it took 2 mirrors ) and was not a pretty site :wacko:

All in all a week of severe IBS but my mind turned to worse case .

sorry for the TMI ...

Stay strong and think positive
