View Full Version : Gastro appointment soon, kinda WORRIED about it

Orange Lightning
09-10-13, 11:36
At long last, after suffering for an entire year I am going to see a specialist in about a fortnight's time regarding my ongoing acid reflux symptoms, including a burning throat, liquid belches, globus hystericus and throat clearing.. All my attempts to stop my H2 blocker meds have failed. Diet changes do nothing. Antidepressants are useless. I get symptoms every day, and they all tie in with reflux. Furthermore there is no concrete evidence my symptoms are therefore I am totally convinced it's real and incurable. The only problem is I can't convince anyone else how much I'm suffering, not even my GP, so this appointment is highly important to me, to work towards evidence of my illness.

I'm really worried though; if I say the wrong thing(s) I may be struck off and told "It's all in my head" again. I know I've been worried about non-existent problems in the past, but this time it's just not going away, even on my good days, so I don't think my mindset could take it if I mess this up. How should I convince the specialist that I need help? Also, since my parents don't believe I'm ill either, should I stop them from coming with me to the appointment?

This means a lot to me, because if I play my cards right I may be eligible for life-changing surgery in the future, which can be reversed if it doesn't work. I WANT MY LIFE BACK. Half the quality of life is in food, and it hurts so much to not be able to eat anything I enjoy at all, and force down disgustingly bland food instead. It hurts to take meds; they just remind me I'm stuck with this forever. Stress relief doesn't help; it all just comes flooding back whenever I eat or so much as bend over slightly. I cry many days, and have considered "s word" too many times for my own good. If I can't get help this time, I'm worried I'll actually hurt myself this time. :(

09-10-13, 12:13
Just tell the specialist every symptom you get and how it effects you. Write things down if it will help. Are you talking about the fundoplication or LINX for the surgery you mention?

Has the doctor not given you anything stronger than an H2 blocker. When ranitidine didn't work for me I was moved on to PPI'S, first lansoprazole then omeprazole.

I know exactly how you feel about the food situation, you have my sympathy. I'm the same only eating bland foods and I only drink water and the odd cup of camomile tea.

Tell the doctor that this condition is seriously interfering with your quality of life and it makes things hard such as eating out etc.

Good luck with the appointment and please let me know how you get on x

09-10-13, 13:56
I think your best approach is to go in with a list of your symptoms, including the severity, when and how they affect you. Write them down if it helps to remember everything.

I would not recommend taking your parents to the appointment. The gastro is medically qualified to do his job without your parents' help.

Whether your illness is physical or psychological in origin, you're clearly experiencing genuine symptoms and are entitled to have a doctor look at them. Even your own GP seems to agree with this as he has agreed to the referral.

My GP was also convinced all my symptoms were in my head, but eventually I saw a gastro. Although I don't have anything visibly wrong, the gastro diagnosed IBS and I'm doing much better on IBS meds after counselling failed to help at all. So they are not all bad and they will look into all the possibilities to work out what's wrong and how to deal with it.

Good luck, and I hope you have a good experience like I did.

Orange Lightning
09-10-13, 15:59
Just tell the specialist every symptom you get and how it effects you. Write things down if it will help. Are you talking about the fundoplication or LINX for the surgery you mention?

Has the doctor not given you anything stronger than an H2 blocker. When ranitidine didn't work for me I was moved on to PPI'S, first lansoprazole then omeprazole.

I know exactly how you feel about the food situation, you have my sympathy. I'm the same only eating bland foods and I only drink water and the odd cup of camomile tea.

Tell the doctor that this condition is seriously interfering with your quality of life and it makes things hard such as eating out etc.

Good luck with the appointment and please let me know how you get on x

Yeah I'm leaning towards LINX. I've been on a few PPIs before but they didn't work.