View Full Version : new olanzipine increse making me dull and tired

09-10-13, 13:53
Me again..
Took extra 2.5 olanzipine today am and have felt dull and tired all day...iv been told to get uoto 5mg by wednesday..i take this at night and it helps with sleep..so just cant see how taking it in the day will stop me falling to sleep..anxiety higher today two..this drug is supose to calm you and stop anxiety..but not wirking fir me today.

09-10-13, 14:46

I was on Zyprexa (Olanzapine) for two years at 25mg daily. It never made me tired r sedated me like it was supposed to. I was on a higher dose than they should have been prescribing. You are supposed to be on 20mg max, but I was so bad they had to up the dose.

It is also supposed to increase your appetite, but yet again I found it didn't do that either. Each person is different and I really hope you get the beneficial effects you desire.

09-10-13, 15:10
Edward did you bennefit from it in any way the time you was on it

09-10-13, 18:08
Edward did you bennefit from it in any way the time you was on it

Hi Greg I was on olazapine for two years and found it very beneficial, I can't remember how long it took to take effect but when it did it was very good took all anxiety away, so I hope after a few days and when your body adjusts you get a good effect from it. :)

10-10-13, 05:19
I never heard of that med. What is it? An Antidepressant? Anti-anxiety?

10-10-13, 10:16
its an antipshycotic and works greata for anxiety,im on 5mg at night