View Full Version : Pins and needles/ tingles

09-10-13, 14:22
It all started with pins and needles in the bottom of my feet. Went to the doc, got blood tests and checked circulation. All fine. Was told anxiety can cause it. Fair enough. Then I got aches in the kidney area. more tests, all fine. Anxiety again. Now the tingles have spread to my hands as well and have got an odd tingle in my spine. I don't want to go back to the doc just to be told it's all in my head again.
When I move my head forward to look down a tingle spreads down my spine and sometimes out towards my shoulders and arms.
I'm worried there is a nerve thing going on but I was wondering if anyone else has had this kind of thing from anxiety and stress.
I have definitely been very stressed recently.
Thanks for your time and any replies. :)

10-10-13, 12:56
Maybe this should be in the health anxiety section? I'm not sure. :unsure:

10-10-13, 17:52
If it's all the time or happens a lot get a scan of your back. There's a few things that can compress the nerves in your back and causes pins and needles.

It might be from tensing your muscles so many see a a specialist type doctor for that.

It can be from bad posture too. Or from breathing too fast.

11-10-13, 11:23
Thank you for the reply Anxious Gal. :) Maybe that's what it is, I do hold all my stress in my neck and shoulders so that could be slightly compressing a nerve. It's a worrying feeling but I really don't wanna go back to my doc yet again. Thank you. :)