View Full Version : Internal bleed in neck?

09-10-13, 14:26
Can you get internal bleeding from cracking/twisting you neck?

I tried to relieve some tension in my head and neck today and i'm worried now. I did some head turns and stuff like that and i'm worried that I might have done something to my neck and might be bleeding internally from it.

Is it possible? Also, if I was how serious would it be? I haven't had any symptoms since I did my neck which was 5 hours ago.

I can't stop checking my lips and finger tips to see if they're going blue :(

09-10-13, 14:30
I am not a doctor. But that doesn't sound possible to me. I mean, all bruises can be classed as mild "internal bleeding" so I guess that yes, you could have bruised something but not like you are thinking.

If in doubt, call 111 or see your doctor.

09-10-13, 14:33
Channie - you're ok. Your neck is fine. It's not bleeding internally.

Are you being treated for your anxiety? Really ... that's the issue for you. You're going to exhaust yourself being so hyper vigilant over everything.

09-10-13, 14:37
Sadly my doctors is very hard to get into so I can't check symptoms with doctors like most HA sufferers. I'm also scared of doctors and needles so i've never had a blood test.
I took citalopram for a while to be treated for social anxiety but a panic attack while on the drug caused me to have HA.
I'm suppose to be filling out a form to go CBT and i'm working up the courage to maybe have a blood test :(
Every little thing makes me panic and right now my neck is my current worry..

09-10-13, 14:43
Honey your fears seem very irrational - but hey, we all do it!

Fill out those CBT forms - life can be so much better than what you are dealing with now.

The problem is none of us on here are doctors - we can tell you that we think something is likely or unlikely but we aren't medically trained. If you need real reassurance until you get help, most GP surgeries offer telephone consultations if you ask for one (you'd have to call in the morning and they'd ring you after morning surgery) or you call 111/NHS direct for advice.

But basically, no. You wouldn't cause internal bleeding by doing head turns x

09-10-13, 14:51
Channie none of us are doctors. We're all kinda muddling through, just like you. You're absolute best course of action is to saddle up and make an appointment to see your doctor in order to deal with the underlying problem, which is the anxiety.

And you don't and won't need a blood test for an anxiety diagnosis. However what you will need is to be honest and express yourself. Ensure your doctor knows what's wrong. You're surely running yourself ragged with all this. You really need to do this Channie. And you can :)

09-10-13, 15:42
In answer to your question - no, you can't.

You also say you have no symptoms, so you've answered your own question.

09-10-13, 16:02
From what you are saying I don't think you will have caused internal bleeding x you should go to,your GP to talk about your anxiety as lots of people have advised they should be able to help you to get advise and help for your anxiety

09-10-13, 16:16
Twisting or cracking joints cannot cause internal bleeding. The fact that you're still here and typing shows that you do not have an internal bleeding.

If you're struggling to see your doctor when you need to I suggest registering somewhere else.

09-10-13, 16:39
Thanks everyone! My fear of Internal bleeding has pretty much disappeared now.
Just waiting for this arm ache to go away.