View Full Version : shaking in neck

09-10-13, 16:44
i cant even describe whats just happend to me it felt like shaking in the back of my neck into my back and arm i was holding my phone and my hand and phone were shaking has anyone had this in panicking so much right now :(

09-10-13, 17:02
It sounds very much like a muscle spasm to me I can get it as well and it goes from the neck and down the shoulder (on the side it spasmed).

Don't forget when we are holding a phone to our ears we do put pressure upon the upper torso muscular system and it can lead to spasms or if you wish to call them tremors.

But it is ok

09-10-13, 17:47
i wasn't holding it to my ear was holding it infront of me as i was on the internet on my phone I've noticed I've felt it a few times. So its nothing serious then? Im freaked out my arm was actually full on shaking!!!

09-10-13, 17:57
I was reading the paper yesterday and all of a sudden the paper began to shake and it was my whole left arm doing it.

With having anxiety our muscular system gets put under so much stress from always being so tense we have to expect these things from time to time.

So with out being a doctor I would say it is nothing to worry about. Maybe a little relax time is needed and if you feel it is getting to much pop in and see the doctor to put your mind at ease.