View Full Version : Feeling terribly Anxious

09-10-13, 17:21
In the past 8 years I have been put on Lexapro twice. First time for post Natal Depression and second time for anxiety and low mood.

Since having our first child 8 yrs ago I have experienced quite a lot of health anxieties. I am nearly always fretting about one thing or another. My situation is not helped by the fact that I need to lose weight...and quite a bit. But, for some reason I cannot motivate myself and so, the vicious cycle starts again. I beat myself up because I cannot motivate myself and I get down as a result and then the health anxiety gets a mega boost.

At the moment I have taken a part time option in my job...so that I can spend more time with our children. I find myself not doing what I had hoped I would do while they are at school. I had envisaged myself getting on top of the house work and having our home clean and tidy for when they would come home and because of my low mood, my HA and general sluggishnesss I am failing. An expensive failure for my family.

At the moment, since going part time I am experiencing Breathing issues...over breathing and as a result I have aching ribs etc... I find when I am in work a day or 2 it subsides but for example since I left work yesterday no for my few days at home it has crept up on me again. I really should go to my gp to explain all of this to him......again.

Another problem I have at the moment is that I am experiencing some breast pain/ache and off course have myself down for cancer. I usually get my gp to do a breast check and blood tests every year when I get my holidays. This year, because I hadnt lost any weight since last Summer I decided not to go and I know that I am acutely aware of this for almost 4 months.

I feel like I am on a slippery slope to having anxiety again and I'm not sure that I can beat it. Should I talk to my gp again about what my options are.

Thanks to you all .

09-10-13, 17:48
First of all - stop being so hard on yourself.

I work from home (self employed freelance writer) and have only one child - a 7 month old who is quite easy - and MY house is a far cry from all "clean and tidy" when my husband comes home!

I think rather than worrying too much about house work, spend a few weeks doing things you enjoy, whether that's reading, meeting people for coffee or just going for a walk. Anything that makes you feel good. The house will still be there when you feel better.

I so understand with the weight issues - I've never been slim but I gained over 5 stone during pregnancy which naturally I assumed I'd lose within a month of giving birth. Didn't happen lol. So, if you want a diet buddy, drop me a line.

I can't advise too much on your other concerns except that your issues do all sound anxiety related. I would very much recommend seeing your GP, even printing out your post to show him. Get a breast exam if it makes you feel better but focus on getting help for your depression and anxiety issues.

This too shall pass x