View Full Version : GP wants to give me ECG (40 mg) Anyone else?

09-10-13, 17:35
Hi all,

Haven't posted here in a long time.

Long story short, doc put me up to 40 mg Citalopram back in January and it's worked like a dream! I'm 99% back to my old self.

Today I received a letter from my surgery saying that all patients taking the 40mg dose of Citalopram are to have an ECG. Now this has caused panic stations as I was feeling great until reading this letter.

I thought it was only 60mg patients that were tested for heart problems?

Anyone else on 40mg here and had the same letter?

10-10-13, 12:12

From what I have read - please somebody correct me if I am wrong, the MAX dose of citalopram is now 40mg. This would mean that what was good for 60 is now good for 40. Its just to cover themselves. Do not worry about it. I was only on 20, and then 10 and now nothing, but have regular ECGs through work. See it as a free check up:D

10-10-13, 12:25
Yep that max dose is now 40mg (used to be 60 until they brought it down).

Cheers Pudding, I feel better about having one now :)

10-10-13, 13:06
Glad you feel better about it now. You might get a free waxing as well depending on where they stick the pads. One of the docs was pretty aggressive getting them off and took some chest hair with it. LOL:wacko:

My next one is July, along with the usual can you see this, read that, prod prod.

10-10-13, 14:10
haha :D

I don't understand the last part of your post though, do they give you an eye test at the same time or something?!

10-10-13, 16:55
Sorry for the confusion - I get an ECG and its not linked to the citalopram, its a work medical. That's all. You will just get the ECG so don't start worrying about the eye test too!:yahoo:

14-10-13, 17:09
That's good news haha :)

Thanks again YP.

Anyone else having an ECG because they're on 40mg? I called my surgery and they said this is being rolled out across England and Wales now (anyone on high dose needs to have ECG).

Have to say I'm not too happy about being on a med that interferes with heart. But I guess I can always taper off if I get bad news after ECG and go for something 'safer' like Fluoxetine.

14-10-13, 19:48
I'm on 40mg :unsure: might speak to my gp when I see him in a couple of weeks for my review. I have had to have an ECG in past due to palpitations but I put that down to too much coffee.

15-10-13, 06:30
Have to say I'm not too happy about being on a med that interferes with heart.

I am not sure that it ALWAYS does. I think its something that COULD happen. :yesyes:

Its good to see that they seem to be doing something reasonable to monitor it!

15-10-13, 10:13
Very true YP :)

06-11-13, 15:12
Had my results today. My QT Interval level is on the high end of normal so the doc wants to halve my dose immediately.

She told me that the docs in my surgery are trying not to prescribe Citalopram anymore because of the issues related to Long QT Interval.

I'm relieved in a way as I was dreading the worst. So I start 20mg tomorrow and then I'll try to get off these by the time my next ECG arrives.

It's a shame because the 40mg has worked well. But I am not going to take an anti depressant which effects how my heart works!