View Full Version : chills and pain in right side, travels round to back, worried? :/

09-10-13, 18:30
i have this nagging pain for a few days just under my last rib, around my waist. its uncomfortable and kind of feels like my kidney or something. the other idea has been appendicitis which really scares me. but it doesnt hurt to press. i had a chill that lasted aboout 15 mins a few nights ago but yesterday i went to the dr and my temp bp were nirmal and she pressed on my stomach and no pain. but it does hurt to slouch or lie on that side.

it does feel like my kidney though. could it be a kidney or gall stone or infection? im only 20....

09-10-13, 18:55
could it be a UTI that can hurt around the kidney area? or maybe a strain, what did the dr say in regard to it, unless its very painful i am sure you will be ok

09-10-13, 23:40
could it be a UTI that can hurt around the kidney area? or maybe a strain, what did the dr say in regard to it, unless its very painful i am sure you will be ok

I have no idea. i haven't had a uti in a few years so idk if that's it because usually i feel them badly eg stinging and pain in pelvis but im curious as to why this is so high up.. but i really hope it's not serious. my other side is starting to hurt too...yesterday i was in for chest pain got an ecg and bloods all normal but im still pretty scared.

i was supposed to get a urine test but the nurse forgot to take a sample from me so idk...sigh everyday it's something new. this pain is very odd. if it worsens im going back to the dr. but my anxiety is sky high atm :(

thank you for replying.