View Full Version : viral infection

09-10-13, 19:00
anyone else had this nasty viral infection going round...sore sinus,blocked ears,sore throat,runny nose,swollen neck glands and cough..i have had it what seems weeks..have had 4 courses of antibiotics..and feel absolutely knackered..be grateful of any feedback as its getting me down..cheers mutchly

---------- Post added at 19:00 ---------- Previous post was at 18:44 ----------


09-10-13, 19:14
My husband. He's about over it now. Not sure what it was, and he just dealt with it, no anti biotics.

Try Vit C and Echinacea, both easy to get hold off :)

09-10-13, 20:25
thanks x

---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

anyone else?/

09-10-13, 20:34
dont worry I recently had the flu...there is a lot of horrible things going round right now!

09-10-13, 20:43
did you have swollen glands too?

10-10-13, 09:47
You seem really excessively worried about the glands side of things. It means nothing sinister if your glands are up when you're ill - it's just a sign that your body is fighting something off. My glands go up when I have a mouth ulcer!

If it's a viral infection, then the antibiotics will do - pardon my French - absolutely bugger all, as they only fight bacterial infections. There are definitely multiple cold/flu type viruses around at the moment and they can be persistent. Plus I always think if you're stressed out your immune system doesn't fight things off as well as it should.

27-10-13, 13:42
It is such a common thing... I actually went to a doctor on a few occasions in the past thinking that it was something more serious but the GPs kept saying it was a viral infection... What I found uncomfortable was that I was supposed to wait until it got better and there was no magic cure... I obviously felt tired as the body was fighting the infection... but every time I recovered from it, so just try and keep your head up, you'll get there :D

Round in circles
28-10-13, 00:07
*Raises hand* Yep. I'm mostly over it now, I hope. Every time I thought I was on the mend, fever would kick back in and I'd feel back to square one. I'm much better than I was 2 weeks ago so fingers crossed I'm okay now.

At the start of it, I went to the GP and the glands in my neck swelled so it was really painful to move my head. So glad I was at the doc that day!

I hope you feel better soon :) I hate flu season with a passion!