View Full Version : Heart mumur

09-10-13, 19:12
Hi everyone
I'm having a bit of a wobble and worries about my heart. Now I'm worried I have some undiagnosed heart condition that I've passed on to my daughter.

She was hospitalised for a night after having a febrile convulsion and the doctor checking her over said he could hear a faint heart mumur. The next day he said the chest sounds were normal. This was at a time when I wasn't anxious so I didn't think about it after that, now I'm having my chest pains im bluddy terrified.

I dont want to google this!

09-10-13, 19:42
Hey there Roxy,

My goodness, you have it pretty bad don't you? :( Just last week it was high cholesterol and blocked arteries. Leukemia before that...

I would venture to say you're just fine. Good to hear your little one is Ok too!

Good Luck!

09-10-13, 19:47
I'm still convinced about the high cholesterol and arteries! Fringers crossed my test should be back Friday :)

This was a few months ago, before my anxiety started. I was fine then, I didn't worry because they'd said the next day the couldn't hear anything and they didnt seem concerned. I came across the discharge letter when cleaning up and I read heart mumur and then panicked. Actually it says faint grade 1/6 systolic murmur heard on admission which makes it sound more scary!

She's had her chest checked a few times since then and nothings been mentioned , I just hope her hearts okay :(

09-10-13, 21:15
Oh you went and had the cholesterol test? Good for you. Hope the results come back with positive news for you :)

09-10-13, 22:38
I have a heat murmur but *touch wood* it doesn't affect me - i wouldn't even know I had it. Lots of people have them and live normal lives without any bother.

10-10-13, 12:20
Yes mummy I did go for the test. I'm very scared but I need to know. Should get the results tommorow but at the minute I dont think I'll make it, Im having pain in my right arm aswell as on/off chest pain - although the chest pain has been going on days/weeks/months etc I'm always scared the next pain is 'it' if you see what I mean.

I thought I'd beaten this anxiety ...

Lizzie I'm glad to know your heart mumur hasn't affected you. it just wasnt explained to me or anything so I'm not really sure what one is it was secondary to the seizure really

10-10-13, 12:44
My son had a heart murmur detected when he was 3. He is now 26 and it has never caused him any problems.

10-10-13, 13:34
my daughter had an heart murmer at 4 or 5. she,s only 7 now but she,s ok. plus the doctor said it,s gone. it could,ve been brought on by a simple virus (which at the time my daughter did av & thats how they found it out.

11-10-13, 11:14
thanks fruity.

my daugter did have a virus which is what caused her febrile seizure in the first place. I only started worrying about this since I have started worrying about my own heart. I've been in rotten fear since yesterday because of chest and arm pains and I fear about my daughter too.

Thanks for your rpely x