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View Full Version : Tingling sensation

09-10-13, 19:47
Ive been getting an odd tingling sensation all over my scalp as well as some srrange pains there too. The sensation starts suddenly disapeared just as fast. Its goes over my whole head in waves. Its not painful as such, Just uncomfortable. Has anyone had a similiar experience?

09-10-13, 20:00
Lots of muscle and stuff atop the scalp. Not experienced it but have you been to your doctors about it? I'd go and ask, probably something and nothing like tension or tiredness :)

09-10-13, 20:06
I get that very often, just a muscle spasm.

09-10-13, 20:08
I get tht a lot

09-10-13, 20:32
Thanks guys. Thats reassuring. Tis rather an unpleasant sensation

10-10-13, 10:36
I use to get this all a time, especially after being stressed, I can reassure you I've had 2 clear mris so doctors have put it down to tension and anxiety...

Hope you start to feel better :)