View Full Version : Fear of sleep

09-10-13, 23:33
Hi i have had OCD for several years along with a fear of going to sleep which tends to get worse the more tired i am. Recently i have come to believe that they are very closely linked & was wondering if others with OCD have experienced anything similar?

Sleep is about letting go of control & I find the lack of awareness as to when you'll fall asleep, knowing when you are asleep & how long youll sleep for etc very hard to deal with for some reason. My brain thinks its unsafe.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas as to how to calm the need for control all the time?


21-10-13, 06:32
Yes, I have a fear of sleep (as I sit here awake at 1:30 AM). My fear is either I'm going to get sick, or something is going to happen I my sleep like a gall bladder attach or appendicitis. So I tend to stay awake until I'm so tired I just fall to sleep.

I'm thinking of trying yoga.