View Full Version : Pains and worries.....

10-10-13, 00:16
Hi everyone..

I have been suffering from health anxiety for about a year now and as I'm sure most of you are aware - it's not fun to live with.
I question everything to do with my health - for example.. Pains in my left arm, well not pains really - more like full aches - so I feel and feel for lumps ect as it could be the lymph nodes - but as I've read most people who suffer anxiety have this too?
I was just hoping to get some advice really as I don't like to talk to friends and family about it as I worry they think I'm going on (which I do) but it would be nice to speak to fellow sufferers and het some first hand advice if anyone is willing? Thanks in advance - and sorry for the rambled message! Emma xxxx

10-10-13, 01:31
I've had it for about the same amount of time... and I agree, it's not fun. Things that help me are:
• listening to music
• reading
• watching tv (this really works! I was watching some children's cartoon and it made me feel better. c:)
• write down all my stresses and worries in a notebook! nobody ever has to read it.
c: hope it goes away, or at least dies down for a bit!

10-10-13, 09:15
The hardest thing is getting the thoughts out your own head! I may try the notebook idea - that may be a good way to get out what I'm feeling without constantly telling my poor boyfriend about it :blush:
Thanks for the advice xxx