View Full Version : Does anyone find this with their anxiety?

worried 101
10-10-13, 09:50
I was wondering if people fiind that there anxiety will focus/obsess in on one thing at a time in particular?
What I mean is that I went through a stage where I was obsessed with my relationship and caused me great anxiety. Then when I started to feel better about this anxiety I then have started obsessing about my partners children.
It just feels like I take one step forward and then two steps back.

Its exhausting :(

10-10-13, 10:26
In the past my anxiety used to focus on one thing for two weeks, nonstop, and once that started going it would be replaced with something else.

10-10-13, 11:03
Yes completely! Anxiety is like an animal it constantly needs something to feed from. Its a terrible circle that just goes round and round :(( x

10-10-13, 11:04
my worry is over sick bugs daily over and over

worried 101
10-10-13, 14:53
ah god although im sorry you guys suffer from this too, but its a relief to know that its not just me! Its just horrible, it literally feels like i go from one to the other...my partners kids are coming over this weekend and im freaking out as the anxiety as been so bad over them...i cant explain why either..i have spent 100's of weekends with them and been fine but since this recent spate of anxiety and depression i have had it has suddenly become a huge deal to me. like thinking...what if i cant cope with them?what if they get upset and then I do?what if i suddenly burst into tears?stuff like that...arghh its so annoying.x

10-10-13, 16:46
Omg im the same.. one week im freaking about one thing then im freaking about another the next.. awful! Im going doctors tomorrow as its getting debilitating now. Dont even wanna go to work :( x

10-10-13, 19:27
Yes, that's exactly what I have - but one thing can go on seemingly forever, till it's replaced by something else. I've been doing CBT, so I'm trying to break the cycle. The psychologist said it was like a game at a funfair (but not fun at all) where a snake comes up through a hole, and you hit it with a hammer, only for another snake to pop up somewhere else, and on and on...

11-10-13, 18:28
This happens to me too, and I remember in CBT it being explained like the root of the anxiety hadn't been solved so it just keeps bubbling up in other ways or it's a matter of learning to change the way that we think.

I saw one anxiety sufferer write about how he realised he had an obsessive mind so he tried to put that to good use and give himself some positive projects to obsess about instead of worrying about negative things. I gave it a try but I found it hard, mainly because I have some difficult problems in my personal life that are hard not to think about at the moment. But when life is a little better I will try it again and give myself some nice creative projects to think out and obsess in a positive way :)

11-10-13, 18:36
I focus on one thing for a few days, then change to something else . They are usually health related but I have GAD so it can be almost anything. It really bugs me, it seems like unless I have something to stress about I am not happy.

worried 101
12-10-13, 20:58
Sometimes I find that I just get angry, I feel like...why me?I just feel like life is unfair. Why did we all get plagued with anxiety?
I dunno...just sucks.