View Full Version : Appraisals

Green Blossom
10-10-13, 11:06
Hello everyone,I have my appraisal next week and I know it will be tough. I have really struggled this year with work and study and it is making me ill. I have been pulled up alot at work and will be starting a performance plan to help me get back into work as I have had work taken off me.Has anyone been through this experience - feel free to PM me if you like.I probably need more sleep!Cxx

10-10-13, 19:11
Appraisals are always a bit nerve wracking. Bit like interviews. You point out that your management are aware that you've been struggling and that they've put support in place, and reduced your workload.

An appraisal is about identifying where you're doing well, and where there are gaps in your work practice. They're designed to help you develop. You're going to be ok. Tell yourself it won't be tough, that it will be what it needs to be. Good luck :)

Green Blossom
11-10-13, 15:14
Thank you :)

11-10-13, 17:43
I agree with Andria-I don't think anybody likes appraisals much-probably even the people who have to give them. Unfortunately they seem to have become part of every job. Everybody goes through periods in their life that are rougher than others and during these times we need to be shown some help and support-this is totally ok. I think that you should try and use your appraisal to your advantage and try and find out from it how your employer can help you. So what, if you've had some hiccups along the way? I'm sure you are a valuable worker and hopefully you and your employer can find a way to meet in the middle so both of you are content. Good luck with your appraisal and please do try to relax in the meantime-stress is never good. :)

Green Blossom
24-10-13, 17:18
Thanks again - I can't believe it has been over a week.

This has made me feel a lot better :yesyes::yesyes: