View Full Version : Very scared that i have a serious illness

10-10-13, 11:18
Hi everyone, i am new to this forum :)

i have been struggling with health anxiety for about 2 years but things have been better until recently

I had blood tests done about 2 weeks ago because i was having pain on the left side of my back. I also had a some other tests that ruled out any problems with my kidneys.. that was good.

Yesterday i noticed i had two brownish bruises on my arm where i had the blood test done. i went to see a doctor who told me that i had a platelet level of 137 when it should be between 150 and 400. Although the doctor i initially saw didn't seem to think that was a problem. I then read that bruising could be due to a low platelet count and that many serious illnesses can cause this. I am soooo worried :weep: the doctor ordered more blood tests to see if the levels have changed :((((((

10-10-13, 11:42

This is a catch 22 for you. Having HA makes you prone to worry. You can rule out an issue with your kidney and it's very likely everything is perfectly fine.

Now, had the doctor NOT ordered the tests, you'd be upset and worried that he didn't check and something was terribly wrong. Here, the doctor ordered a test to set your mind at ease and you're worried that he took the test! I went through cancer treatment and my blood work was wacky and still is. A platelet level of 137 is just a tad low and can be caused by dozens of other things (alcohol, OTC drugs etc). Bruises on your arm where they took blood is perfectly normal. I end up looking like I got run over by a truck most of the time when they draw blood.

Good Luck!

10-10-13, 11:55
Hi Fishmanpa, thank you so much for replying :)

the thing is the bruises weren't they until yesterday (i had the tests done about 2 weeks ago) so I don't think the bruises could have anything to do with that?

maybe my platelet levels have decreased since then :(

10-10-13, 12:03
Often times we bang our arms or legs and don't realize or remember it. I do it all the time as do most. Being that everything else is normal, it's very likely everything is just fine and your doctor is just being a good doctor.

Good Luck!