View Full Version : I just need to rant guys..

10-10-13, 12:26
Hi all, apologies in advance for the long post.

I’m just so stressed out at the minute and its stressing me more so that I cannot rant to anyone about it.
My boyfriends words last week were "I’ve had to listen to you be ill for months, I’m tired' (I note he was away in the Falklands for 6 months during my anxiety issues oh and my operation on my abdomen, he's actually referring to a two day each ache and my 4 teeth out oh and heaven forbid a cold in-between but whatever)

Anyway the ear saga rumbles on. I have always been prone with my ears from when I was little; I’ve had 3 sets of grommets, as has my brother. We were otherwise fit and healthy children but our ears were the only issue. As I’ve grew up granted my ears have hurt sometimes but nothing too bad. Until id say about 2 years ago, when I noticed I couldn’t hear correctly in my right ear, gradually getting worst. Any who off I trot to the doctors who said I have an ear infection, got myself some antibiotics and I was on my way.....2-3 months later no improvement. Back and forth I go with all sorts of responses "a little bit waxy, a little bit cloudy". Anyway fast forward to July this year when I go on holiday, so I’m thinking flying has done this? Everyday I was there I suffered COMPLETE hearing loss on lying down. I would wake up with no hearing and have to keep rubbing my ear until they popped eventually say 30-45 minutes later, which continued well into August after I was back, on and off. So I goes back to the doctors again, who tells me I’ve a slight fungal infection and gives me ear drops.....3 days of taking them I feel what seems to be an explosion go off in my ear, everything is loud..Too loud and I have this horrendous taste in the back of my throat. I thought hey it’s worked so I let it settle for a few days. Anyway a fortnight later I’m going along my business when I start getting the funny balance issues, something was telling me it was inner ear along with a complete lack of hearing in my right ear again yet again another doctors trip where he checks my ear and swabs my ear for growth and gives me antibiotics, tells me if my hearing don’t come back within a few days he will refer me. A few days pass and the balance is getting worst, my ear is sore so I go back down a week later. The doctor (a different one) looks in my ear and says "YOU HAVE A RUPTURED EAR DRUM" then proceeds to tell me that will explain the taste in my mouth after ear drops id taken 6-7 weeks before as they would have just gone through the hole. Which begs the question, why did nobody else spot this rupture beforehand seen as I had been down and seen two different doctors prior to this?
So anyway he fobs me off with antibiotics and sends me on my way. That was September 23rd. So I finished my antibiotics and feel erm well no difference well not for the better.
For the last two days I have had clapping in my ears, ringing, ear pain and still no hearing.
My boyfriend asked me three times on Saturday to turn the volume up on the TV and I proceeded to sit there until he shouted me. He also stood in the doorway as I was taking my make up (in his words repeatedly asking me) who went through on X Factor, again I never heard a thing. Following a few half convos in IKEA, where I’m only hearing bits of conversations. I’m getting massively fed up.
So I called the doctor this morning as I thought it'll be coming up to 3 weeks...I’m not expecting a rupture to heal but this has been happening since way before that.
She says I have to wait 8 WEEKS to see them to check if my rupture has healed, then and only then if it hasn’t healed I shall be referred to an ENT specialist. She also offered me a fit to work note to hand in at work, where ironically I work as a medical secretary and my audio typing is taking a massive impact as I can't hear and I can’t have it too loud either.

I’m so fed up; I literally have nobody to rant my frustration too. Its really embarrasing when somebody is talking to me and I can't genuinly acknowledge them as I really don't know what they have said.

Thanks for reading. x

10-10-13, 12:36
I'm sorry you've had to go through this stuff I can understand why you'd be frustrated and I hope it has helped to write your thoughts down I know it definitely is therapeutic for me to get my thoughts out my head

10-10-13, 12:54
Yeah it’s been a massive help Vicky, as my confidence was massively knocked last week with him saying that. He only see's me at weekends anyway so even when I was suffering with my teeth/had flu - he wasn’t actually there with me. He is really insensitive. I was so proud when I completed CBT yet I got little enthusiasm from him.
I am not getting anxious about this and I’m not freaking out thinking its sinister it’s the sheer frustration of how long this has been going on and being continually misinformed and embarrasing that i sometimes have to fake a laugh when someone says something funny because I cannot hear what they have said. x