View Full Version : started Paxil....feeling speedy,palpitations,cant sleep

10-10-13, 14:50
Hi Guys,

after trying several ssris and such things and having experienced in the last few months anxiety so bad i could barely got to work my gp put me on paxil starting at 10mg...this is day 5 and i feel like i am high on ecstasy...pupils dilated,shaking,grinding my teeth. Is this normal?has this happened to you guys as well?will it go away?its so scary coz i can st sleep at night yesterday i had to take xanax but still didnt manage to sleep well...please help


10-10-13, 18:18
Hey I've been on Seroxat for just over a week now and have experienced similar things to you, you just have to ride it out, apparently it gets better after 2-4 weeks so hang in there and stay strong :)


10-10-13, 20:09
Hi, im 5 wks on 20mg and first couple of weeks id week at 3am and that would be me awake for the day. It calms down im now sleeping well, try to bear with it. :)

10-10-13, 23:05
thank you guys,i was originally taking it at night im gonna try switch in the morning when are u guys taking it?

11-10-13, 01:22
I've been taking mine in the afternoon/evening