View Full Version : in a panic about maybe having colon cancer

getting ridic
10-10-13, 14:59

I am new here (first post) though not new to HA. I have had sever constipation for a few years now-off and on in severity. I have gone through a very bad patch in the last while and have had bright red blood on the paper and at times at the sides of the stool (TMI!!) for many many months. I am terrified. I also at times have bouts of abdominal pain and cramping. Went to the DR who felt it was likely lazy bowel but did want to do tests and so I have a scope booked Oct 25th. I also have heartburn that is new within the last months.

I am reaching that state of panic where I can't work, think of or do anything else. I know better than to Dr Google but of course I did. Found many articles of young women such as myself who have been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with less symptoms than what I have. Seems this is quite common and in women under 40 also

I am to the point where I am having a hard time functioning. Can't sleep and wake up at 3:00 every morning terrified.

I am scared that if I do have something-how will I cope without driving everyone I love crazy? What if I do have cancer-how to people with HA cope when they do get sick. It must happen

Not sure if I should try to get anxiety medication to get through the next couple of weeks.

Seems everyone has a story of someone very young getting bowel cancer..

On the verge of sheer panic...please help. I am driving my husband crazy and can't work

Thank you

As background I am a 38 year old woman. Healthy except for history of anoroxia nervosa and anxiety and depression

10-10-13, 15:07
Ok so you're being checked out for the bowel stuff and your doctors given a fair idea of what he thinks is wrong. I know the waiting is dire, beyond awful but you gotta go with it.

The other (bigger) side of your coin is the anxiety. How are you dealing with that? Right now it's spiralling out of control, taking you right along with it. Go back to your doctor and discuss the anxiety. This is what you need help with right now, this is the priority.

Come on, you can do it :hugs:

getting ridic
10-10-13, 15:35
Thanks for the reply. Helps to know that I am not alone in this. You're right. I do need to deal with the anxiety because honestly if it's not this-it's something else. So scared-but you're right. Need to deal with this as there is no choice. Thank you

10-10-13, 15:42
See what you said "if it's not this it's something else"?

You know what you need to do. Isn't it odd that we continuously put ourselves through hell looking for wrongdoings, illness, dangers yet what we should be doing is dealing with the anxiety and what's caused it.

Everything's going to be alright - let's start telling ourselves that :)

10-10-13, 22:56
Hi please try not to worry ....you went to the drs because u were worried they are just covering their backs getting u checked . Nobody wants to miss anything these days if a dr misses something they get sewed easier to pass you along the line. Ive not been where you are but I was screened for oral cancer same as u didnt funtion lack of sleep was horrible . Got the all clear yesturday I was screened for bone cancer im in a panic..try not to worry all will be ok youll see x