View Full Version : The most frustrating thing for me....

10-10-13, 17:21
Is the inconsistency of these dastardly little beats. I mean, just when you have a few good days, you're not thinking about them much, not getting them much, and you're generally feeling ok.....wham! and they start and the panic process begins....again, or at least the worry, etc. To me this is quite stressful and confusing because while I may be feeling really, really good that day....their appearance can turn things dark and unsettling very quickly.

I'm now on Cipralex .5mg first time ever on anything besides an anti-biotic. Having some weird sensations in my head (like I have my sunglasses on all the time) or a need to touch my head, scratch, etc. The chronic worry seems to have subsided some but the side effects are proving to be quite aggravating!!

10-10-13, 19:29
yep same here too, like this morning i thought to myself oh they wasnt too bad lastnight got the odd ones but i feel good so must have slept better then wham here they are they make me feel weak and shaky too x