View Full Version : terrified!!

10-10-13, 17:36
I have suffered with Genrilised anxiety disorder for years but after therapy and a whole lot of medication I've got myself together. I'm not on tablets anymore and I've finished therapy. I've been happy, there's been the odd hicup but mostly I've been fine. BUT I've just been offered a job. After leaving college this will be my first job. I feel physically sick at the thought of starting on Monday. I'm shaking and crying and I'm terrified. I cant do it and I've tried getting out of it. This should be something that in happy about but instead im terrified. Its taking all my energy to keep myself from falling apart. Its a few days away and im like this I cant imagine how im going to be on Monday

10-10-13, 17:45
It's just anticipation. Everyone gets scared starting a new job. You're going into the unknown.

Try to focous on the positives! You're so lucky you got a job! They hired you so they must want you :)

Be proud of yourself! You went through collage and managed to get a job, you've over come a lot of your anxiety.

You can do this!

You can do it! Anxiety is just trying to mess with you. Tell it, it's not going to win. Stand up to your anxiety.

If you're very worried perhaps ask your doctor for a Seditive for the first day?

You are happy about it you just don't feel it because of the anxiety. Once you start you'll wonder why you got so worked up.

Ah you'll be ok on the day! You'll get through it. Stop telling yourself you won't.
Change all those negative thoughts and images into positive ones.
Even if it doesn't feel true.

10-10-13, 17:49
thank you. Im just struggling a lot with the physical symptoms like feeling sick, shaking and sweating. Its been a while since I've stuggled with my anxiety so I just feel overwhelmed by it at the moment. I just hope I can pull myself together over the weekend x

10-10-13, 19:04
take one day @ a time, You can over come the anxiety. I have struggled with it for a few years now and I will not let it win. I'm currently working & I have my good days and my bad days. You are starting a new job and yes you are going to be nervous about going. But remember they choose you. You're so lucky you got a job
Be proud of yourself! You went through collage and you where okay. You will do fine at your new job too. Keep telling yourselves everything will be okay.

10-10-13, 19:24
Hi - I know it's easy to say, and probably impossible to take on board, but you WILL be fine. When you get there, your anxiety will go - maybe not straight away, but soon into the day. You don't have to worry about knowing everything from the minute you get there - it takes time to get into a job. They wanted you - not anyone else, and you WILL be fine!

Congratulations - and I hope the job is everything you want it to be! :)

10-10-13, 20:19
The anxiety and sickness is not the real you. If you can, try to view it as something else that you are observing instead of reacting to. The actual experience (monday) is always easier than your mind thinks it will be. What happens during the symptoms if you close your eyes and start to do deep slow breathing for 5-10 minutes? It will help to stop the train of thought and fear. I hope you feel better :) You've done well before getting over this...good job so far! :)

10-10-13, 23:36
I should add accept the fact you will feel anxious. Just focous outside of your self. Look around you, count floor tiles, listen to people when they talk to you. Try to let the scary thoughts and feelings pass/float by. Don't give them any attention.

Maybe try some rescue remedy. Or put some lavender oil on a tissue.

Make sure to eat and drink water before work. Low blood sugar/dehydration will make you feel more anxious.

There's a good chance you anxiety will get very high when you leave the house or enter the work building. Ignore it, take a few deep breaths and tell yourself you will be fine.

11-10-13, 03:00
Starting a new job is terrifying for anyone, people who suffer from anxiety or not. I'm a 6'6" guy and I often feel like people will think badly of me for being anxious. The reality is they wont. You're not a machine, you're a human being. To be frank, if you weren't at all anxious about starting a new job, I'd be concerned. I tend to think about people I respect when I'm anxious about things. For example, when I start a new job, I think about Abraham Lincoln, if he managed to be president of the USA during a huge civil war and hold it together despite being a famous sufferer of anxiety and depression, I can keep it together for a day at the office. You don't even have to look beyond our shores for inspiration, Winston Churchill suffered terribly from anxiety and depression, but he managed to see us through one of the bloodiest wars in history. Never think your problems are insignificant, but take from these people the knowledge that you can still achieve great things, anxiety and depression be damned. Sometimes you'll feel against the ropes, but other days you'll be strong, and it's the strong days you need to focus on, those are the days when you won, you can't win every day, but you will find, in time, you win more and more.

At the end of the day, you're playing life on hard mode. Be proud of your achievements, because they were harder fought than many, and nothing worth doing is ever easy.

I wish you all the strength in the world.

13-10-13, 16:23
thank you so much for all the replies. I start the job tomorrow and im trying to stay positive about the whole thing. Also being told about great leaders who had issues with anxiety is inspirational. The first day will be a struggle but in sure afterwards I will feel so much better. Again thank you for all the replies it is much appreciated xxx

13-10-13, 16:43
Best of luck for tomorrow, girl92. Go get them. Be proud of yourself for your achievements despite battling anxiety. It's not easy but you're doing it. Onwards and upwards x:)

13-10-13, 16:50
Anticipation is the worst part of upcoming events
You will have read on here, over and over again
The actual event is NEVER as bad as you think

Congratulations on getting the job.
You ARE the best person for it or you wouldn't have got it
Be proud if your achievements
And GO GIRL!!!!!

Lots if love and luck xxx

13-10-13, 17:11
Congratulations on the job :yahoo: and I agree that you have been chosen for the job for a reason. I always get a bit nervous, if I'm due to start a new job and it's only natural. Everybody at your new job will have been in that position at some point in their life as well and I'm sure they will be friendly, welcoming and understanding. It doesn't even matter, if your first day (or even first few weeks) are a bit of a blur-it takes time to settle into a job. I have been in my current job for about 1.5 years now and in my first week I thought I'd never take everything in. Now I'm training other people and generally things are going well, although there's tonnes of stuff that I haven't learned yet too! Try to relax and not worry, see it as a good, positive thing. I'm sure everyone will be friendly and help you settle in. Good luck and enjoy your first day. :)