View Full Version : Eyelid twitch

10-10-13, 17:54
Hi, i'm just wondering if anyone else suffers from an eyelid twitch?. My left upper eyelid twitches quite alot and more so when I look down and close my eye, rub my eye, yawn or sneeze. It's really weird and been happening for the last few weeks! Feel like i've got a tumor behind my eye or in my brain cant even eat i'm so worried :( xx

10-10-13, 19:18
I had this for almost a week and I got really worried. I went to the doctor thinking tumor, etc. Apparently theres 3 main causes; tiredness/ lack of sleep (which was true for me), stress (again that was me!) And smartphones/tablets. So I had an early night after warm milk (natural melatonin to help us sleep), tried relaxation tecniques and and didnt play games on my phone for 24 hours. I surprised myself at that one; no dr. Google or candy crush saga!!
Result was twitching slowed down over the next 2 days then disappeared completely.
Hope this helps.
Try not to worry, it'll be OK XX

15-10-13, 16:30
I had this for a while about 4 months ago and was concerned about it, then one day I realised it was gone and it hadn't been happening any more. Now it's back... with a vengeance! My lower right eyelid basically doesn't stop twitching. It's annoying and I'm sure you're with me that it's a concern it will never go away. It will. I'm telling both you Ess and myself at the same time. It's gone away before, it will go away again.

I also find that when I close my eyes after looking at bright lights, eg. a lightbulb, the bright light patch you can still see when you close your eyes that stays with you for a while, that seems to last even longer recently... Or I'm over thinking it...

I have been stressed and tired recently, and I spend my life looking at computer screens, tablets and smart phones so that could be good advice Kirsty. Both of the above could be down to that?