View Full Version : Anxiety flare up every month?

10-10-13, 17:54
Does anyone else seem to have their anxiety flare up once every month? I'm not even talking about around our 'time of the month' just randomly once a month?

Last month I suffered with anxiety badly and its seems suddenly this month too is gonna be the same.

I'd had a stiff neck for a few days then randomly 2 days ago my arm went really achy. That night I was up worrying about it, unable to sleep. I decided to do some neck exercises to get rid of tension and every since I can't stop worrying about my head and neck.

First I thought i'd have a stroke, then I thought I would bleed internally from my neck and now i'm worrying about damaging something in my head/neck joint because I feel really crappy.

My current symptoms are tiredness, warmish face despite it being cold out, neck and head tension and random little feelings that I don't think are really anything.

Does anyone else get anxious every month?
Also if you could give me some help on my neck worrying problem, that'd be great. ^^

11-10-13, 00:37
Mine seems to flare up,when I am stressed in other areas of my life (kids, job) . It randomly appears a few times a year when I have minor problems that I catastrophize into a serious illness. Usually cancer.

11-10-13, 06:14
Does anyone else seem to have their anxiety flare up once every month? I'm not even talking about around our 'time of the month' just randomly once a month?

Last month I suffered with anxiety badly and its seems suddenly this month too is gonna be the same.

I'd had a stiff neck for a few days then randomly 2 days ago my arm went really achy. That night I was up worrying about it, unable to sleep. I decided to do some neck exercises to get rid of tension and every since I can't stop worrying about my head and neck.

First I thought i'd have a stroke, then I thought I would bleed internally from my neck and now i'm worrying about damaging something in my head/neck joint because I feel really crappy.

My current symptoms are tiredness, warmish face despite it being cold out, neck and head tension and random little feelings that I don't think are really anything.

Does anyone else get anxious every month?
Also if you could give me some help on my neck worrying problem, that'd be great. ^^

Anxiety, like all things, seems to have seasons and patterns.

Your symptoms :

Tiredness - you are wearing yourself out with worry. You have spent nights awake and anxious.
Warmish face despite it being cold out - your body is going to feel much warmer to the touch than the cold weather, it is simply an exaggeration of your mind!
Neck and Head tension - tense muscles from worry and/or posture.
All those little feelings are hypersensitivity.

You won't stroke and you won't die or knock something loose. The human body is an amazing creation and is incredibly hardy.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) so relax and take courage that you will be just fine! :yesyes: