View Full Version : why am i like this

10-10-13, 18:06
hi I suffer with GAD and HA and im petriefied of taking any kind of medication and today I went to see gp because ive just been diagnosed with early signs of C. O.P.D as ever since I hada lung test done at gp surgery ive been feeling as if I cant breathe properly and I didn't know if it was my anxiety or the COPD but my gp strate away said I need to have the flu jab and gave it me strate away and I started to panic and cry because I was so scared of a severe allergic reaction and all day ive been so anxiouse and keep thinking wt if I have a delayed reaction to it I feel so stupid allowing myself to get like this and just wonderd why I am like it

10-10-13, 18:27
You are like this because you have GAD. You have GAD because you've experienced trauma/s.

Is your anxiety correctly diagnosed and dealt with?

10-10-13, 18:37
hi andria24 I was diagnosed with gad a few yrs back and it hasn't been dealt with I had cbt 2yrs ago and it didn't help at all but my gp refeered me again to iapt and in waiting for a a assessment over the fone to see if they can help me this time

10-10-13, 18:51
Ok so hopefully you're going to get a proper handle on it this time. We're in the same boat and I'm also trying my best to stay on top of myself.

It's not easy Tricia but we can do it. And Andria is just fine :)

10-10-13, 20:33
I think some type of therapy will help. It is better than just dealing with it making your life hard. I have heard that cognitive behavioral therapy helps and there wont be any pills to worry about :) Try googling non drug ways of dealing with GAD. It will at least give you a starting point.