View Full Version : Sorry, more questions (throat burning)

Orange Lightning
10-10-13, 19:54
I was wondering about my burning throat symptom that has been plaguing me for a long time. For the last few days I've been trying to wean off reflux meds so I can accurately check what foods affect me. Well today I was out of options and had to have a McDonalds. Nothing too big, a cheeseburger and fries, but still something you'd think would set off someone with acid reflux soon after swallowing it, right?

Apparently not. Hours after eating, I didn't feel a thing, and I have no idea why. McDonalds has made me burn before when I had it for a train journey, so I don't know why it wouldn't affect me this time. That's not the most important thing though.

What is important is that after a few hours, I had a swig of alkaline water... and started to burn. More water didn't help, so I went and sat down to play a video game, and a few minutes later, after I leaned back to relax, my throat felt like someone had set it on fire..! It calmed down a little almost immediately after I sat up, but wouldn't go away completely and got worse with belching. I tried to find something to make it stop without yielding and returning to the meds. In a totally random move, I ate a handful of Cheerios. No really. XD And the funny thing is, they worked. After I ate them, I could sit back in my seat as I did before, and nothing happened. No burning until I had a mug full of water, and then it returned in full force!

My point is, could water or my body position be making me hypersensitive to whatever is happening in my throat? I know things like bending over or lying down are supposed to make reflux worse, but they don't usually affect me, so why would doing the right things with my body make me worse? Does anyone else here have any experience with this? Any help would be much appreciated, and may provide me with some ammo for my upcoming appointment with a gastro specialist.

EDIT: should point out though bad food has been linked to my burning before; the other day I risked a pizza and burned long into the afternoon as soon as I... yes, sat in my car's driving seat and leaned back and had some water.

10-10-13, 21:21
Here's the thing... the simple answer to your question is "yes" to all your points.

There is more at play here than just what you eat. How stressed you are, level of anxiety, what time of the day, what position you body is in etc. etc., can all affect you. The crazy thing is, there's no real rhyme or reason to it.

For most of us, myself included, we tend to love the things that don't love us (pizza being one of them for me). Yet, despite knowing full well I'm going to suffer, I'll eat it on occasion and deal with the consequences for those few moments of culinary bliss ;)

A visit with the gastro doc will more than likely affirm what I'm saying. I've been dealing with acid stomach issues for years so I feel ya!

Good Luck!