View Full Version : side effect ?

10-10-13, 23:01
Hi everyone
ive been on citalopram for 6 years now. Ive noticed over the last year that when i go to sleep and its quiet i can hear like a static sound in my head. I dont notice it in the day unless im not doing anything and its quiet then i can sometimes hear it. Anyone else get this? Do u fink its just a side effect?

11-10-13, 19:09
It's tinnitus and it's very common as a side effect I believe. I had it anyway but it has definitely got louder on Prozac.

11-10-13, 20:59
I thourght tinnitus was more of a ringing sound? Does it go wen u come off tablets or get worse?
Thank you for reply. I love this site its so helpful and to no ur not alone is a nice feeling :)

12-10-13, 10:36
I have about eight or ten different sounds, ranging from the noise of a heavy lorry revving its engine, through the classic 'ringing' and up to a high-pitched squeal. I occasionally get a heartbeat-related one too. None of them are harmful, just remind yourself of that. :)

12-10-13, 10:47
Thank you :D

12-10-13, 13:00
Hello, I too get this on citalopram sometimes. Especially before bed or if I wake up unexpectedly in the night. You're not alone. Sending hugs xx

12-10-13, 19:56
Yea it sounds scary wen im just laying there its like all this static in my head. Somenights i dont get it. O well just a side effect :)

12-10-13, 21:11
I get the 'slamming doors' noise.... Wakes me up. I just laugh at it now and try to ignore it x

12-10-13, 21:25
Snap, Britabb! I get some visuals with it too sometimes. I just ignore it now :)

13-10-13, 13:48
Snap, Britabb! I get some visuals with it too sometimes. I just ignore it now :)

It can't hurt us. I'm so used to it now that it no longer bothers me xx

15-10-13, 12:37
yeah i have that, you will have it during the day too but everyday noises drawn it out! mine is constant. doesnt effect me to much tho if im honest, as long as it doesnt get any worse, im actually glad someone else has this as i thought i had tinitus