View Full Version : Long, lonely bleak nights

11-10-13, 01:46
I hate the nights they can be so bad... Just alone with my thoughts. The paranoia is terrible I sit there an get frantic about my health an the physical symptoms an I get paranoid about little noises an sit there an think of every horror film Iv ever seen an start thinking its ghosts an all kinds of supernatural stuff like little bumps, bangs I always see stuff in corner of my eye I hate nighttime... Does anyone else feel like this ?

11-10-13, 06:21
Evening tends to do this to me. My advice would be to stop watching the movies that bring those feelings and memories (or create new ones). Try to surround yourself with positive people and programming, find something you can keep yourself occupied with at night. Crosswords or Sudoku are amazing for that. Read a book. Reorganize your house. Put that anxiety to a constructive use!

Sitting there will be guaranteed to make it worse. The more you think the worse it gets, and it creates a negative pattern of fear every night.

Create a new pattern - make yourself have a good night, and then do it again the night after, and the night after. It will get easier the more you do this. It's a coping skill of mine personally. Re-record over your experiences with new positive memories so you don't auto-pilot to fear.

God bless you and hang in there. Keep up the fight Sarah!

12-10-13, 16:04
Hi jared thanks for reply ... I think when in anxious I lack motivation to do anything even help myself ! ... I will try ur suggestions an see how it goes xx

12-10-13, 18:24
Sarah the nights are worse for me too. I fear the night time and when it starts to get dark, all my symptoms set in and I'm up until 2.30 in the morning so you are not alone sweetie:hugs: I think what jared has suggested is a nice idea.

12-10-13, 19:46
Nights are bad for me too...I tend to start thinking of what happened during the day and then worrying over it. I also dwell on more long term stuff thats worrying me too. I started getting into a really bad routine of curling up on the sofa and worrying then I would fall asleep and wake up at like 2am. After that I couldnt sleep so was shattered the following day.

I'm trying to make a new routine. ....doing things like watching programmes or playing computer games. I'm sure you can do too and im sure It will help.

12-10-13, 21:35
Hay Sara. You're the same age as me :P

What worked best for me was to create a routine I would do before bed.

Shower - make tea - read a book - brush teeth - read a little more and then sleep.

Don't watch tv or stay in any bright lights (computer counts too here). Don't read horror novels or anything with a lot of action. Don't eat 2 hours before bed. Drink plenty of water and try deep breathing.

Most of the time I have a pretty easy time falling asleep these days. Although it is normal to not fall asleep on cue as we are humans and not robots with on/off buttons.

Best of luck to you.

27-10-13, 12:24
Hi Sarah, of course! :) You described it very well - the more time we spend alone with our thoughts, the more 'imaginative' we become coming up with thoughts we could not have come up otherwise! This is how we start worrying about health, friendships/loneliness, self-worth, future, country's economy, etc - whatever comes up at the time. When we 'exercise' such thinking for a while we become 'better' at it, and we do it more and more... Try to keep yourself busy and try to avoid being alone for too long! :D