View Full Version : weird images in my head making me worry ...... help!

11-10-13, 08:21
I feel really stupid asking this but here goes ......... does anyone ever get weird images/visions in their head? I keep visualising myself having a heart attack or having a seizure of somekind and its terrifies me.
Even now, i just woke up and my first thought was 'i feel ok today but got a wee bit of a headache'. So i have some water and lie waiting for the headache to pass ..... no active thoughts of what impending doom could be causing this ( my cbt book is working!). Then i get this image in my head of my falling clutching my head and shaking like crazy. Like im having a serious seizure. Of course, now im scared!!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I feel i may be going a bit crazy.
Kirst x

11-10-13, 08:28
You gotta know those images are just that - images. Only you can make them come true by believing they're gonna happen. My mom always used to say "what you think about, you bring about" and I believe that to be true to some extent.

Just relax, you will be fine!

11-10-13, 22:26
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Ohhhhh please don't feel stupid for asking a question:hugs: anxiety can give us some weird symptoms, and this is one of them.

When I was acute I had some weird things happen, like you, it frightened the life out of me.

When in the car, (in the passenger seat) within a split second in my mind I could see the car crashed, all the visions that would go with a horrific car crash, the vision went as quick as it came, ohhh boy, very scary.

In a pub restaurant with hubby and kids, hubby went to bar to order, kids went to pool table, I was left on my own. Felt on edge, next minute hubby was up in my face, I mean his face what right in front of mine, then gone:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: he was in fact, still at the bar and I was sitting there on my own, again I was terrified, it was ALL IN MY MIND.

I have had others, but I feel I don't want to repeat them, they ARE NOT important. they where horrible, and ALL due to anxiety.

The visions where quick, very quick always came and went.

Hunny, I know your scared but this is just Mrs anxiety playing with you. YOU ARE NOT going crazy, please don't think this, this may not be one of the most common symptoms of anxiety, but for me it was DEFO anxiety. I have not had this in a long time.

I use to tell myself I had a bloody good imagination, if I could right a book on the horrors anxiety gave me it would be a best seller, LOL:roflmao: try and make light of the images, take the importance away. I found the more importance and fear I put on them the worse it got, also take the surprise away, if anxiety gave me another image I would TRY and think "ohhh do your worse," make light of it so to speak. This did take a lot of hard work and time.

I hope this has been of some help, even if its knowing your not alone and this WILL PASS.