View Full Version : crushing pain in head!!

11-10-13, 10:37

I have had a cold for the last few days, sore throat, ulcers on throat, cough, generally feeling ill.

I'm swallowing a lot of phlegm but when I blow my nose its always clear - no nose congestion.

I've had a headache this morning which isn't going with pain killers. I just took a deep breath in through my nose and my head got all full of pressure like it was going to explode!

I'm worried its tumours and not the cold :-(

I'm affraid to breath in deep again

*Fallen Angel*
11-10-13, 12:04
I quite often get pressure pain in the head, usually when I'm stressed. Often feels like I need to hold my nose and blow to equalize the pressure in my ears. I've had it on an off for years, and had a brain scan last summer, with contrast. Nothing at all showed up on it so I put it down to another one of the body's quirks.

11-10-13, 12:05
It just sounds like a cold to me with blocked sinusses

sinuses are holes to relieve pressure and when they get blocked it causes pressure headaches and tension.

I think you need to wait till the cold/illness subsides and I am pretty sure that your symptoms will too.

11-10-13, 12:18
Oh yeh, that definitely sounds like sinuses to me! I had a cold that went to my sinuses and caused an infection a couple of months ago and it was awful. The pain in my head wouldn't even shift with serious painkillers and I was dizzy and uncoordinated. Have you tried olbas oil? I got straight to it when I get a cold. You can put a few drops on hot water and inhale the steam or (what I do) just bung a few drops on a tissue and inhale it as often as possible. I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

11-10-13, 12:28
Much more likely to be the cold virus or whatever virus it is. I know lots of people who've had some viral thing recently, like a cold but minus the obvious snot and sneezing side of it, hangs around a bit and makes you feel crap (and, yes, headachey, definitely). Sounds a lot like it's gone to your sinuses, which is a bit miserable but won't kill you!

11-10-13, 13:59
I agree with the others, sounds like sinus pain - a colleague had it here recently and she was in such pain she had to go home!

Regular painkillers might not do what you need, your sinuses are probably inflamed and congested - so picking up some kind of decongestant will really help that pain :) Ask your pharmacist about it, there are lots of options.

Hope you're feeling better soon, sounds like a rotten dose xx

13-10-13, 20:27
its gone now! yippee! made a big recovery today! must have been all the wine last night,,,,

14-10-13, 07:54
Sound good.. Have a great health..
Best of luck..

14-10-13, 10:00
Hi Darren. I'm sure this is to do with your cold. I have had this many times. Stress, lack of sleep and dehydration contribute to mine too xx