View Full Version : Triggers

11-10-13, 11:33
Just when I feel like I'm doing ok...bang...I see something else on the tv that makesmy mind start again...aaarrgghhhhhhh!!! Why can't I be normal :(

11-10-13, 11:45
Maybe we are normal :D I know what you mean though, something always seems to come along to trigger, it is all about changing the negative thoughts into positive ones. Not easy to do but the more you do it the easier it will get. x

11-10-13, 11:57
Annie has got the point. It's about attitude and a concerted effort to change. Some can do it on their own. For others, counseling, CBT and meds can help get you there but it comes down to a conscious decision and a desire to change.

"Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we handle it." Charles Swindoll

Good Luck!

27-10-13, 13:04
Hi, some of us have adopted a predisposition to feeling anxious about stuff early on in our lives (so early we can't remember!) from our environments (like an unhelpful 'habit' if you wish to call it so...). Then, logically all is needed is a trigger for anxiety. The media do not help here - all they write about are 'catchy' messages about rare diseases/illnesses, disasters, deaths, and scandals. No wonder in our heads these things become 'more common' or 'more scary' than they actually are, and conseqeuntly, they increase our perception of danger in our lives... So I would actually say what you described above does not sound that abnormal to me :)