View Full Version : Could It Still Be Leukaemia or not?

11-10-13, 11:44
I had a blood test back in June and everything was fine including platelets and white blood cell count. This was for Petechiae and Bruising. Since then my Petechiae and Bruising has waxed and waned. Currently I keep getting Bruises on my hips which is worrying me. I have had a cold that keeps coming back off and on for the last 3 weeks or so as well. Is this likely it could still be Leukaemia or not? Do the Petechiae leave me more prone to getting it?

Thank You .

11-10-13, 12:02
You have had a blood test which was fine.

Bruises, everyone gets bruises..... I get loads and some I have absolutely no idea where that come from.

you need to trust your dr's or if you are worried go back again as we are not medically trained.

but in answer to your question..... No I am pretty sure it isn't Leukaemia!

11-10-13, 12:26
Just to say - I know a few people who've had lingering vague cold/flu symptoms for a while recently. Seems to be an odd virus doing the rounds - feels like you're going to get a full blown cold but never quite develops into one, just makes you feel rubbish. So I wouldn't worry unduly about that side of things - especially not if your blood tests were clear.

11-10-13, 13:55
My brother-in-law has leukaemia. If there was a chance you'd got it you'd know about it due to the blood tests. Believe you me, they don't mess around. Or shouldn't. You're ok. It will be the anxiety :)