View Full Version : hate being like this

11-10-13, 12:35
so today in having a really rubbish day . I feel a bit ropey and my stomachs not happy , of course in now pannicking the sick bugs on its way . My anxiety revolved around the sick bug , my sons at school and a kid was ill there Wednesday, my daughter is at home and apparently whingy today .

my main panic is because i gate being sick and i hate letting my work down , if in sick tommorow it would cause huge problems . So of course in in full on panic mode now . IM fed up of worrying the whole time about getting sick

i start some cbt next week in hoping it will help

11-10-13, 13:58
I think we all feel like this. It's another part if the problem. The CBT will help, no doubts there. Try keep calm, occupy your mind as best you can, and see how you go once you start therapy :)

11-10-13, 15:22
cheers , in certain it will help . Ive never suffered before its all new to me and im struggling to get to grips with it .

i feel obsessing over a sickness bug is pretty ridiculous but i cant stop

27-10-13, 13:21
Hi, it may actually feel helpful just to let all the worrying out by telling someone else all about it! CBT techniques may turn out to be a useful top-up :D The hard but useful thing is to be optimistc about all that :)