View Full Version : can it get any worse! pregnancy test positive

11-10-13, 13:11
Hi all :weep:I plucked up the courage today and went back to see the nurse after going twice this week already to see the doctor about a small lymph node i can feel at the side of my neck I would say its under a cm but it has made me feel really worried!! can you feel NORMAL size lymph nodes on your neck!!!. anyway I also ask for some canceling. as I'm worried all the time about my health, mainly lymph nodes as i can feel a'lot in my groin but scan shows within range, I went home and felt really upset and worried i've been on antibiotics now for 3 wks as i've had bronchitis but didn't feel that unwell with it, and a second antibiotic for my groin lymph nodes that have been there for over a year and half done no good, still the same size, I'am a day late so I took a pregnancy test and its positive I need some advice PLEASE I just want this lymph node worry to go away:weep:

11-10-13, 14:56
I would say it's high time to stop worrying about your lymph nodes and concentrate on your pregnancy!

11-10-13, 15:03
I agree with Brunette and yes I can feel lymph nodes in my neck if I really go searching for them but why would I want to feel them? They are normal and do get a little swollen when you have infections such as bronchitis.

11-10-13, 15:15
If you have been suffering with bronchitis, it is entirely normal and feasable that your lymph nodes will be raised. This means your body is doing what it should be doing which is fighting the infection.

I am more concerned frankly that you are possibly pregnant (I say possibly as you need to get it confirmed with a urine test at your GP) while you have such awful health anxiety....

11-10-13, 15:44
Thank you,:) sorry if I have upset anyone, I've read so many bad things about lymph nodes, and yes I do Have HA, But that's because last year I went to the doctors with a bad cough, and instead of cough med's, he said I'am more worried about your lump in your thyroid I had A whole year of worry with F.N.As for nodules in my thyroid gland, and was told it must come out, as it could be a cancer.Thank god it wasn't but it really really worried the life out of me.I think that's how it started as before that I was Happy

11-10-13, 16:05
I understand your worries entirely, kimballs. You haven't upset me, for one!

My anxiety issues (though mine are GAD and panic attacks) were triggered by depression from the stress and worry about a long-standing physical medical issue, so I get entirely where you are coming from. It is very hard not to automatically stress about your health after having a bad experience, but you must remember that it turned out ok for you, though of course it was traumatic.

As I mentioned already, I am more concerned that you are dealing with all of this, and may also be pregnant. It is not good for you to be dealing with high anxiety, and it is most important to address that before anything else hun.:hugs:

11-10-13, 16:23
Thank you , I went to my doctors today, but this time I ask for Help! (canceling) I've got to wait but it's a start xx

11-10-13, 17:04
You haven't upset me either :) Try to focus on the positives, that you are healthy (apart from recovering from bronchitis) and like debs said, concentrate now on your pregnancy. :hugs:

11-10-13, 17:14
Thank you Annie0904 xx