View Full Version : Started yesterday side effects?

11-10-13, 16:06
Hi everyone. I need a bit of advice about side effects and stuff! I started citalopram yesterday for anxiety and depression (i've taken one pill so far)

I've been feeling very weird, i keep getting hot and cold flushes and i've felt very sick and i can't really eat anything.
my head feels really weird and i feel very spacey and frankly a bit drugged up. i can't feel my feet sometimes, i feel very light. i have visual snow anyway, and it has got worse. it probably doesn't sound that bad, but i feel really out of it, and its horrible

my mum has said that what i am feeling is just anxiety, and that it is too soon to feel any side effects. is she right? she used to take venlafaxine so she knows a bit about these sorts of meds.

i don't know, i just want to know if this is real, or i can do my breathing and it will get better. if these are side effects, when can i expect to feel less spaced out?

thank you!

sorry if this message is a bit poorly written, my head feels weird.

11-10-13, 16:39
I'm 10 weeks in on Citalopram and yes, the side effects you are experiencing are completely normal for this drug. Mine started on the second day of taking them. My anxiety went through the roof but calmed down quite quickly, for me it was the nausea that lasted the longest (7 weeks) although most people seem to adjust to this drug within 2/3 weeks.

My advice would be to stick with it cos it definitely helps but it can be a rough ride. I don't want to put you off but sometimes it helps to know whats happening. Of course it's not the same for everyone and you may only take a few days to get used to it.

I didn't want to get into a cycle of changing meds so that's why I stuck with it and glad I did.

Good luck hun

11-10-13, 16:52
Most people do get some sort of side effects when they start Citalopram, and what you say you is pretty typical. It can take a couple of weeks for them to subside, although when I started I think they went after a few days.

Definitely stick with it though as it is worth it, if they haven't stopped in a few weeks then it may be worth going back to see your doctor as not every med suits every person.

11-10-13, 17:38
thank you. Ugh, shame i have to feel like this for any time at all though. I just feel so out of control.
I will stick with them though and hope that i feel a bit more human soon

11-10-13, 18:31
Just remember that this has probably been coming on for some time even if you didn't realize it so there is no 'quick fix'.

It will take time but you'll get there and probably feel the stronger for it.

Wishing you well on your journey cos that's what it is, a journey!

11-10-13, 19:46
Blooming side effects. I'm on day 5 of 40mg but was on 30 for 5 days prev to this and 20 for 9 yrs. So I'm well used to the side effects. Today has been particulary bad for me. I feel sick and have an awfully heavy head. I just burst out crying a moment ago for no reason at all. Dreaded fear that I won't ever feel better.....but keep telling yourself u will.. It's a rough road to recovery but at some point u will look back and say that was awful but I made it through. Wat doesn't kill us makes us stronger xx gl everyone xx

12-10-13, 01:25
i didn't end up taking one today. i put it in my mouth and went to swallow it, but i ended up pretty much making myself sick to get it out again. the side effects frightened me so much yesterday (i'm a sensitive soul) it doesn't help that i'm at home by myself all day. i've gotten myself into a bit of a state

12-10-13, 01:32
At the end of the day it is your choice whether to take it or not but yes you will get bad side effects

12-10-13, 01:53
i know. sorry, you guys don't need to near about my break down :P

12-10-13, 02:41
As most have said, this is totally normal, gashmachine. Most people find their anxiety and symptoms increase slightly but then as you continue taking the meds, this settles down. Your Mum is a bit wrong to be honest. I stopped taking Escitalopram 2 years ago after 8 years on them. I restarted them 17 days ago (my anxiety is back with a vengeance) and thought I would be fine with the side effects by starting them at a low dose of 5mg.

Boy was I wrong.

Within a day of taking the first tablet I had the same symptoms as yours -spaced out, not feeling like me anymore, and very sick. I had the same thing when I started them the first time years ago, and I'm afraid that the side effects are par for the course, but they do not last.

I still feel very sick now and have no appetite, but mentally I feel better already. Just morning anxiety on waking with the odd moment of not feeling myself (depersonalisation). Other than that, I see an improvement this soon in.

Do stick with them. Everyone (or at least most people) worry about side effects of meds, but my own opinion is that if it came down to a choice of continuing to feel as horrendous as I do with anxiety and panic or suffering some drug side effects to feel better, then I would rather the side effects frankly.

There are things that help a lot, mainly anything that distracts you from the way you are feeling. I know it is hard when you are feeling crappy with the physical affects, but it helps with the mental side effects to keep as occupied as you can - going out for a long walk, exercise, or even if you can't manage that, things like watching a dvd, listening to music, playing internet games, writing down your thoughts and feelings, and also another very important thing to do is to keep socialising/interacting with the people closest and most familiar to you. This helps keep your mind in the present and grounded, as this helps alleviate the depersonalisation symptoms you describe. Try if you can not to feed the increased anxiety you are feeling by focusing on it - anything that distracts your brain helps with that.

Hang in there if you can.x:)

12-10-13, 10:16
hi there. I have been on citalopram for 13 years. Started at 40 mg now down to 10mg. Last year, I can off them for 7 months and the withdrawal symptoms were DREADFUL. I felt desperate and not wanting to go on. I've been back on 10 mg since December 2012 and within a month started to feel "better". Citalopram does have side effects initially but when the tablet is fully in your system it does work. You will feel more stable and able to think things through more so. It's not a miracle but it does help me. I hope this helps you too x