View Full Version : HIV Huge Panic

11-10-13, 16:59
I have been suffering from Health Anxiety for just over and year now and it has been utter hell for me! And I need help with my current worry.
So, I'm a bisexual male of 16, and have recently had unprotected with a very close friend of mine, and as far as I am aware he is a virgin and never had sex because he is not the most attractive of people and is too awkward to talk to anyone.
So, we've done it a couple of times and I have a huge fear that he has lied to me and that he has HIV and that I now have it... Ever since the fear started I feel as if I'm getting a cold that is getting worse and worse (which I suspect is down to anxiety creating the symptoms to feed the fear, but you know how anxiety works; it defys logic.) and I cannot stop thinking about it; its making my life hell!
I'm 99% certain that he is a virgin, but my anxiety if running through every 'what if' over and over in my head and doctor google hasn't helped when I've read about people with it online and I feel like the cold is just 10x worse!
I'm way to scared to go for a test and I would have to take my mam due to certain circumstances, which I am not prepared to do for reasons.
Please please please help me I am so scared that I have it... I'm fighting with my anxiety to tell myself I don't have it, but I think I need help with this fight :'(
Thank You

11-10-13, 18:25
Hello ! Firstly calm down :) I am a 17 yo girl and I have the same fear.
Your friend is almost certainly doesnt have HIV. Even if he isnt a virgin. Unless he didnt catch it from his parents through birth but you would know it if he had.

You should wait minimum 6 weeks after exposure to get tested and you'll see you are negative.
Everyday millions of people having sex and the half of the world woukd be dead if HIV is easy to contract like that much

Now stay calm and everythin will be okay :hugs: