View Full Version : Stressing and panicing badly

11-10-13, 18:42
Hi everyone,
I'm new and am desperate for someone to tell me I'm being stupid.
In August I had my period as normal. Its a pretty regular cycle approx. 28 days. Two weeks after my August period (mid cycle) I had 5 days of bleeding again. Since then I've had no bleeding at all. I'm not pregnant though we have been trying. I'm 47 years old. I went to see my GP who did a smear which I was due for and while doing that she said I had some inflammation on my cervix and wanted to send me to the colposcopy clinic at our local hospital. She also took some swabs for various infections. I found out the smear was negative which is good :yesyes:. When I went for the colposcopy on Wednesday she told me all the swabs my GP had taken had all come back negative :yesyes:. She did the colposcopy and she said she could see the inflammation on one side, did her bits and pieces and said no abnormal cells were showing when she sprayed it :yesyes:. She said she could see nothing to worry about but as I was worried about the lack of a period she would send me for a scan. I had the scan yesterday and this is where my worry comes in. The radiographer told me when I pressed her on whether she could see anything wrong said there was some slight thickening of the womb. My being the kind of person I am now thinks I have womb cancer :weep::weep::weep:. She wouldn't put my mind at rest when I said to her "your getting me worried now", she blahly said "I'm sure its nothing to worry about, your consultant will get in touch with you in about 7 days". So I'm not left panicing until I get the results. Also, today when I went to the loo this morning I had a brown discharge. Fair enough I thought to myself - things have been poked and prodded, it'll just be old blood. Then an hour ago my imagination has really gone into overdrive - after I wiped after going for a wee there was 'something' on the toilet paper I've never seen or heard of before. It was kind of like a sausage skin and was about 3cm - what the hell is that about???? I can't find anything on the net talking about anything vaguely similar. We are flying to Italy tomorrow morning for me to take part in a half marathon but I'm now worrying about anything happening to me while we're over there or while I'm running (I'm running on my own though my husband will be around. I'm sorry this has been so long but I really am very worried about all of this and need some talking to :blush:. Any advice will be gratefully received.


11-10-13, 18:52
Sue what a pair of 40 something's you and I make :)

Come on - you and I both remember all the crappy changes we went through in our teens in order to become adult women. Now it's happening in reverse (woohoo) and it's kind of same old same old.

I've had a refit a few months back (the coil. That was a fun day ... trying to find the old one in order to remove it to make room for the new one. Let's just say I was laid in a position no other human should ever have to try out) and my gynae bits have been ridiculously unstable.

For the record my womb, ovaries etc don't seem to know whether to play out or pack up their crap and call it 'shelf life over'.

I think that's where you're at. You've had plenty of tests, all good, and because you're anxious anyway sneaky little fears are scratching away at the back door to your mind. This is your subconscious playing merry hell. If I can (just about) keep a lid on my scary crap, anyone can.

You're ok Sue, go, enjoy the break, try rest and relax :)

11-10-13, 20:14
I know me, I'm going to be worrying too much to enjoy the trip which is ridiculous - its been planned for months. Other than cancer I've not seen what other reason there can be for womb thickening :-(

12-10-13, 10:44
I eventually came up with a mantra, "It's normal to be abnormal."

I had that sausage skin stuff too, isn't it weird? I think sometimes blood can kind of pool behind the cervix and comes out weirdly.

I had a fibroid diagnosed at about your age but they didn't do anything about it and it's gone now.

Please don't worry and spoil your holiday - I can assure you, it is absolutely FANTASTIC not having periods any more, well worth the adjustment period.