View Full Version : vibration in mid-back - afraid it's pancreatic cancer

11-10-13, 18:55
Hello - this is so crazy. About 6 months ago I started having these weird vibrations in the left side of my mid back (right at the base of the scapula, but to the left of my spine). I just ignored it. It felt like it went away for a few weeks but then it started coming back again in July...it seems to be triggered by movement, either walking or talking or both. It doesn't happen at night in bed or just sitting in a chair quietly. But if I am sitting and I start talking, then it starts vibrating, like a low frequency buzz deep within my ribs. I felt like it might be my stomach so I went to the doctor and he said I have anxiety. It's not my stomach. He said to call him if I start losing weight or having night sweats. That was about one month ago. He knows I am prone to health anxiety.

Now, I've had night sweats of varying degrees for the past 8 days. I've taken to sleeping with only a light blanket because it makes the sweating less. I've lost three pounds in the past month. I just made another appt. with the doc because this is REALLY weird. The sensation is in the region where my pancreas would be. I am only 44, a female in otherwise great health. I'm a massage therapist and have never come across a muscular symptom like this before and that also scares me to death. This is literally ruining my life. I cannot go even 30 minutes without thinking I am going to die. I guess I am getting myself in a state where I can accept a death sentence. I keep hoping and praying I will wake up and this will just disappear - I have had many odd health symptoms that simply went away on their own. So I did go into this with a healthy attitude...but it has become too much for me. I hope my doc will take me seriously this time around. Thanks for listening to my story - I doubt I would ever find anyone with similar symptoms but I thought I'd give it a go.

19-10-13, 03:21
Hello, I was surprised to find this because I have the exact same vibration, on my left side of my back. I had it since March, along with tinnitus. I have buzzing and vibrations in my legs and feet as well. I had it very bad when I first got it, I don't know how I got it. But it has gotten less and I can manage most of the times with it. I thought I had twisted a nerve or pulled a muscle... I am 34, and I haven't had this before. I have anxiety and panic attacks but I don't feel anxious when I get the vibrations and buzzing. It is annoying and distracting. I won't go to see the doctor because they would fob me off as it is anxiety. My tinnitus sometimes is loud or soft, but at the moment it makes noises for few seconds.

I want to be normal again - I was fine last year. I don't think it is cancer. I am still here after 8 months!!! But it is very weird symptom I ever had. It started off with my feet buzzing and then my legs, and now it is all over. It sometimes feels like electrical current going through me, and the vibration always start at my back. I wish I knew what it was... but I know it is not cancer. Cancer is more serious, and you would be in more pain and finding lumps inside you. My vibrations doesn't hurt at all and you would feel more ill if you had cancer.

Hope this helps.

Starry xx